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In an attempt to have players deal with more difficult decisions, I have been considering the idea of making it so that saving throw bonuses don't actually rely on your modifier, but instead use your mod +1 if the attribute is an odd number (effectively making it round up). The

For instance, under the current system (RAW): if your Dexterity score is 13, your Dexterity modifier is +1, meaning you add +1 to the d20 roll when you make a Dexterity check (assuming your proficiency bonus is not being added to the specific check). If you are not proficient in Dexterity saving throws, your Dex save modifier is also +1.

Under my proposed system: If your Dex score is 13, your ability score modifier for Dex checks (when prof. bonus is not added) is still +1, as in RAW. However, under my proposed system, your Dexterity saving throw modifier (not including your proficiency bonus) would instead be +2.

The idea here is to make it so that you feel more comfortable spreading out your stats rather than bulking them on individuals.

But I know how big of a deal saving throws are in higher level-level play. Would this have a negative effect, and does this address a real concern common to players (or am I just making an assumption)?

In an attempt to have players deal with more difficult decisions, I have been considering the idea of making it so that saving throw bonuses don't actually rely on your modifier, but instead use your mod +1 if the attribute is an odd number (effectively making it round up). The idea here is to make it so that you feel more comfortable spreading out your stats rather than bulking them on individuals.

But I know how big of a deal saving throws are in higher level play. Would this have a negative effect, and does this address a real concern common to players (or am I just making an assumption)?

In an attempt to have players deal with more difficult decisions, I have been considering the idea of making it so that saving throw bonuses don't actually rely on your modifier, but instead use your mod +1 if the attribute is an odd number (effectively making it round up).

For instance, under the current system (RAW): if your Dexterity score is 13, your Dexterity modifier is +1, meaning you add +1 to the d20 roll when you make a Dexterity check (assuming your proficiency bonus is not being added to the specific check). If you are not proficient in Dexterity saving throws, your Dex save modifier is also +1.

Under my proposed system: If your Dex score is 13, your ability score modifier for Dex checks (when prof. bonus is not added) is still +1, as in RAW. However, under my proposed system, your Dexterity saving throw modifier (not including your proficiency bonus) would instead be +2.

The idea here is to make it so that you feel more comfortable spreading out your stats rather than bulking them on individuals.

But I know how big of a deal saving throws are in higher-level play. Would this have a negative effect, and does this address a real concern common to players (or am I just making an assumption)?

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How impactulimpactful would it be if I were to make saving throws "round up", unlike other stats?

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In an attempt to have players deal with more difficult decisions, I have been considering the idea of making it so that saving throw bonuses don't actually rely on your modifier, but actuallyinstead use your mod, +1 if the attribute is an odd number (effectively making it round up). The idea here is to make it so that you feel more comfortable spreading out your stats rather than bulking them on individuals.

But I know how big of a deal saving throws are in higher level play. Would this have a negative effect, and does this address a real concern common to players (or am I just making an assumption)?

In an attempt to have players deal with more difficult decisions, I have been considering the idea of making it so that saving throw bonuses don't actually rely on your modifier, but actually use your mod, +1 if the attribute is an odd number (effectively making it round up). The idea here is to make it so that you feel more comfortable spreading out your stats rather than bulking them on individuals.

But I know how big of a deal saving throws are in higher level play. Would this have a negative effect, and does this address a real concern common to players (or am I just making an assumption)?

In an attempt to have players deal with more difficult decisions, I have been considering the idea of making it so that saving throw bonuses don't actually rely on your modifier, but instead use your mod +1 if the attribute is an odd number (effectively making it round up). The idea here is to make it so that you feel more comfortable spreading out your stats rather than bulking them on individuals.

But I know how big of a deal saving throws are in higher level play. Would this have a negative effect, and does this address a real concern common to players (or am I just making an assumption)?

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