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more appropriate example
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If it calls itself a board game, as it seems Castle Ravenloft will, then it's not a roleplaying game.

However, I think there's room for beneficent doubt when a board game, war game, or what-have-you is used in conjunction with a roleplaying game. In that case, it would be a matter of whether the question is about using such a game within the context of a roleplaying game.

If yes, then I'd say it's an appropriate question, just as if someone was asking a about how to use, say, Settlers of Catanthe board game Outdoor Survival to develop background eventsmanage wilderness exploration for an ongoing roleplaying campaign.

If no, then I'd say it's not an appropriate question here, such as if someone was asking about an esoteric detail of how Chainmail works for their historical wargaming club's next meeting, with no roleplaying game involved.

If it calls itself a board game, as it seems Castle Ravenloft will, then it's not a roleplaying game.

However, I think there's room for beneficent doubt when a board game, war game, or what-have-you is used in conjunction with a roleplaying game. In that case, it would be a matter of whether the question is about using such a game within the context of a roleplaying game.

If yes, then I'd say it's an appropriate question, just as if someone was asking a about how to use, say, Settlers of Catan to develop background events for an ongoing roleplaying campaign.

If no, then I'd say it's not an appropriate question here, such as if someone was asking about an esoteric detail of how Chainmail works for their historical wargaming club's next meeting, with no roleplaying game involved.

If it calls itself a board game, as it seems Castle Ravenloft will, then it's not a roleplaying game.

However, I think there's room for beneficent doubt when a board game, war game, or what-have-you is used in conjunction with a roleplaying game. In that case, it would be a matter of whether the question is about using such a game within the context of a roleplaying game.

If yes, then I'd say it's an appropriate question, just as if someone was asking a about how to use, say, the board game Outdoor Survival to manage wilderness exploration for an ongoing roleplaying campaign.

If no, then I'd say it's not an appropriate question here, such as if someone was asking about an esoteric detail of how Chainmail works for their historical wargaming club's next meeting, with no roleplaying game involved.

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If it calls itself a board game, as it seems Castle Ravenloft will, then it's not a roleplaying game.

However, I think there's room for beneficent doubt when a board game, war game, or what-have-you is used in conjunction with a roleplaying game. In that case, it would be a matter of whether the question is about using such a game within the context of a roleplaying game.

If yes, then I'd say it's an appropriate question, just as if someone was asking a about how to use, say, Settlers of Catan to develop background events for an ongoing roleplaying campaign.

If no, then I'd say it's not an appropriate question here, such as if someone was asking about an esoteric detail of how Chainmail works for their historical wargaming club's next meeting, with no roleplaying game involved.