Data Analyst

_VOIS Bucharest, Romania

Your day to day:

  • Your work involves research into finding and implementing the proper technical solutions that correspond to business requirements and at the same time that fit Vodafone’s strategy. The developed solutions are complex, containing databases, business logic, user interfaces and integrations with other components and systems. In this process you the opportunity to experiment various technologies and tools.

With these activities you will have a great impact on our business:

  • Create, define and maintain data pipelines using Google Cloud Platform Dataflow or Data Fusion to support the creation of detailed business cases
  • Orchestrate the flows – using Cloud Composer on GCP (open source service built on Apache Airflow)
  • Move the data to BigQuery and GCS
  • The main activity as part of a greater project - building data ocean for all Local markets and Vodafone entities
  • You will create data analytical use cases passing data to data scientists team for ML model (clean, consistent datasets)
  • Enable automation of analysis and reporting in BI tools

With these skills you are a great candidate:

  • Experience using Google Cloud products - Dataflow, Dataproc, Data Fusion is preferable
  • Significant experience using Python is essential; expertise in data manipulation: use of structured data tools (e.g., SQL & Python).
  • Strong data mapping and data analysis skills
  • Previous experience - 2-3 years work experience
  • Nivel de vechime

    Nivel mediu de experiență
  • Tip de angajare

  • Ocupație

    Tehnologia informației
  • Sectoare de activitate

    Tehnologie, informații și mass-media și Dezvoltare de software personalizat pentru sisteme IT

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