Insteract Review

Our score: 8.0 User satisfaction: N/A

What is Insteract?

Insteract is a travel management software for companies designed to help both employers and employees find the best travel options available in the market while allowing them to stay within company guidelines and policies.

While a number of travel management and online booking platforms have tools that streamline the booking process and help users find cheap travel options, Insteract takes it to another level by providing users options that are not only affordable but are personalized for their needs and compliant with their company policies, such as budget, choice of carriers, auditability, transparency, safety, and comfort among other things.

Insteract analyzes traveler behaviors and insights from real-time market data and benchmarks the information using the lowest logical market fare to provide options that are extremely personalized and satisfy company guidelines.

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Overview of Insteract Benefits

Real-Time Prices

Insteract helps you find the cheapest travel options based on real-time market data. Ticket prices and hotel accommodations can change in an instant so it is essential that you always have access to choices that are well within your budget.

On top of that, Insteract includes your personal travel preferences, travel history, and company policies when it searches for travel options that match you best. Using unique profiling algorithms and travel parameters, the software delivers the top seven best logical choices that are ideal for you and your company.

Easy Travel Management

Insteract centralizes all your travel management processes. It’s easy to plan and create itineraries well ahead in time. Sending your travel plans for approval is a breeze.

Auditability is a major concern for many organizations and with Insteract, auditing each and every travel is not a hassle. All steps are documented and every detail of your travel is recorded, from ticket expenses to travel time and other costs.

Even if your company uses a travel agency to book company-related trips, Insteract’s benchmarking and profiling ensures complete transparency, resulting in reliable auditing.

Frictionless Travels

Insteract optimizes all your travel options which result in a more effective travel program. The software helps you not just identify, but avoid altogether the frictions and issues between the traveler and the company’s travel policies. Whenever you travel on a business trip, you can fly easy knowing your flights and accommodations are well within your budget and fully compliant with your company’s guidelines.

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Overview of Insteract Features

  • Approval Workflows
  • Policy Management
  • Profile Management
  • Restriction Management
  • Expense Reporting and Auditing
  • Travel Planning

What Problems Will Insteract Solve?

Reduce the risk of overpaying

Many companies don’t have a way to figure out if the agent has given a good price or not. Insteract benchmarks the cost per trip to help find alternative options that are identical/similar to your preference. This ensures your that company knows how the agent is performing on a booking by booking basis.

Fly with your carrier of choice

Sometimes travel agent book employee on very cheap flights to help them stay within their budget but the problem is the employees prefer a different carrier/airline. With Insteract, employees’ preferences are taken into account, ensuring that the options provided suit the employees yet are within the company policy

Centralized Travel Management

Interact helps companies manage their teams, set business preferences, rules for approval and connect teams across the company with a few clicks and within a single platform.

Awards & Quality Certificates

This certificate is granted to products that offer especially good user experience. We evaluate how easy it is to start using the product and how well-designed its interface and features are to facilitate the work process.
An award given to products that have recently entered the market but are already becoming very popular

Insteract Position In Our Categories

Since companies have distinctive business-related requirements, it is prudent that they abstain from paying for a one-size-fits-all, “perfect” solution. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to try to discover such application even among recognizable software systems. The practicable thing to do can be to narrow down the various key functions that entail scrutiny like key features, price terms, skill competence of the employees, organizational size, etc. Next, you should perform your research comprehensively. Go over some of these Insteract review articles and check out each of the software solutions in your list more closely. Such detailed research makes sure you drop unfit software products and pay for the system which includes all the benefits your business requires.

Position of Insteract in our main categories:

TOP 100

Insteract is one of the top 100 Online Booking Systems products

If you are considering Insteract it could also be a good idea to examine other subcategories of Online Booking Systems listed in our base of B2B software reviews.

Every company is different, and can require a special Online Booking Systems solution that will be adjusted to their business size, type of customers and staff and even individual industry they deal with. We advise you don't count on finding an ideal solution that is going to be suitable for every company no matter what their history is. It may be a good idea to read a few Insteract Online Booking Systems reviews first and even then you should keep in mind what the software is supposed to do for your business and your workers. Do you require a simple and intuitive service with just basic features? Will you really use the complex tools required by pros and large enterprises? Are there any particular tools that are especially beneficial for the industry you work in? If you ask yourself these questions it will be much easier to find a solid app that will fit your budget.

How Much Does Insteract Cost?

Insteract Pricing Plans:

Free Trial

Quote-based Plan

Contact Vendor

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What are Insteract pricing details?

Insteract Pricing Plans:

Free Trial

Quote-based Plan

Contact Vendor

Contact Insteract for information on their basic and enterprise pricing packages. You can also submit a request for a free trial to see if the software is a perfect fit for your business.

User Satisfaction

Positive Social Media Mentions 0
Negative Social Media Mentions 0

We realize that when you make a decision to purchase a Online Booking Systems it’s important not only to see how experts score it in their reviews, but also to find out whether the real people and businesses that purchased it are genuinely satisfied with the service. Because of that need we’ve devised our behavior-based Customer Satisfaction Algorithm™ that aggregates customer reviews, comments and Insteract reviews across a vast range of social media sites. The information is then presented in a simple to digest form revealing how many users had positive and negative experience with Insteract. With that information available you should be prepared to make an informed business choice that you won’t regret.


Technical details

Devices Supported

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Web-based


  • Cloud Hosted

Language Support

  • English

Pricing Model

  • Quote-based

Customer Types

  • Small Business
  • Large Enterprises
  • Medium Business

What Support Does This Vendor Offer?

  • email
  • phone
  • live support
  • training
  • tickets

What integrations are available for Insteract?

Insteract integrates with the following business systems and applications:

  • Invoice management systems
  • Other HR systems on a case to case basis

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Louie Andre

By Louie Andre

B2B & SaaS market analyst and senior writer for FinancesOnline. He is most interested in project management solutions, believing all businesses are a work in progress. From pitch deck to exit strategy, he is no stranger to project business hiccups and essentials. He has been involved in a few internet startups including a digital route planner for a triple A affiliate. His advice to vendors and users alike? "Think of benefits, not features."

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