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The translation of machine code into a human readable assembly code, also the result of such translation.

3 votes

What is this assembly doing?

I guess the original code is something like: char input_buffer[...]; // ... int c = input_buffer[i]; Since the variable c is a int and input_buffer is a char[], your compiler has to promote the rea …
wisk's user avatar
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0 votes

Can't find SetCooperativeLevel call in disassembled program

My problem is that I tried to disassemble the EXE using both IDA Pro 7.0 and OllyDbg 2.01 but neither of them have been able to find any calls to that function. It won't be called directly becaus …
wisk's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the following assembly code doing?

I think this is a strcmp function which was compiled without optimization and is really inefficient. Here is why: The function only uses r0 and r1 which are first and the second parameter. Both par …
wisk's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I go about overriding a function internally defined in a binary on Linux?

You have several options here, but I like this one. Since the code is already inside the executable, so you have to patch the entrypoint to jump to a new function. To do so, I suggest to use a shared …
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