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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being

Well House (Theme)

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We want to create a substance-free undergraduate residential community and experience based on the theme of wellness. This provides an environment for students to learn and practice holistic approaches to physical, mental, and emotional health: The Well House or “The Well.”  The values of the substance-free community are connection, equity, belonging, authenticity, and vulnerability and humility. Students living in the Well House need to commit to live substance free and actively promote an environment based upon the respect and care for others in the community. The Well House is located within Robert Moore North. 

2023-24 Neighborhood Decorative Accent Line


Visit the Robert Moore North House Page

Theme Requirements

Pre-assignment to The Well House (a substance-free and wellness-themed house) in Robert Moore North is open to any undergraduate student (including transfers) in their sophomore through senior year who demonstrates a strong commitment to substance-free and wellness living.

Acceptance into The Well House is contingent upon (a) the completion of the pre-assignment application and (b) their agreement to honor and adhere to the commitment to the substance-free living parameters and other house rules.

2023-24 Neighborhood Decorative Accent Line

Theme Requirements, Continued

All residents of the Well House are expected to agree to the following:

  1. Residents will not use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or other illegal substances while they live in The Well House. Residents will also not misuse or abuse legal substances and/or prescription drugs.
  2. Residents will ensure that all guests adhere completely to the substance-free community parameters regarding use and possession.
  3. Residents will actively participate in creating and sustaining a substance-free and wellness community.
  4. Residents will be active members of The Well House community, including regular participation in and planning of events, lectures, and programs.

Open House Info

April 2 (7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) at the Well House. This will be a drop-in space, so no RSVP is needed.

2023-24 Neighborhood Decorative Accent Line

Leadership Team

  • Ralph Castro, Associate Dean of Students & Director, Office of Substance Use Programs, Education & Resources (SUPER), Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Mark DiPerna, Assistant Vice Provost and Deputy Dean of Students, Dean of Students Office, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Darrell Green III, Associate Dean of Students, Dean of Students Office, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Keith Humphreys, PhD, Esther Ting Memorial Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Jim Jacobs, MD, PhD, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director of Vaden Health Center, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and, by courtesy, of Emergency Medicine
  • Corey Lamb '22, Cardinal Recovery Program Coordinator, Office of Substance Use Programs, Education & Resources (SUPER), Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Anna Lembke, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in General Psychiatry and Psychology-Adult, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Jessica McDaniels, Substance Use Education Advisor, Office of Substance Use Programs, Education & Resources (SUPER)
  • Mark McGovern, PhD, Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and, by courtesy, the Department of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Bina Patel, MD, Director, Counseling & Psychological Service and Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
  • Guru Prabhakara '04, alum, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
  • Noel Vest, PhD, Well House Resident Fellow, Cardinal Recovery Advisory Board Member
Abstract swirl background spelling, "Neighborhoods." Credit: StudioM1 / iStock
The Well House is located in...


Branner, Crothers, Toyon, Durand, Hammarskjöld, Kappa Sigma, Roth, The Warehaus, Well House, and apartments in Mirrielees and Duan.

2023-24 Neighborhood Decorative Accent Line

For more information about Robert Moore North and other self-op residences visit the Residential & Dining Enterprises website.