2024 Trends: Multi-Ecosystem Expertise Can Help Service Providers

October 11, 2023

This post is part of G2's 2024 technology trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital transformation trends in an introduction from Chris Voce, VP, market research, and additional coverage on trends identified by G2’s analysts.

Services buyers favor breadth over depth for ecosystem service providers

When looking for software implementation and consulting services for their business, buyers will prefer to work with ecosystem service providers who can show a breadth of expertise across multiple software products and ecosystems.

Services providers with multi-ecosystem expertise will be poised for success

Current economic conditions have driven businesses to think more critically about how their company engages services providers and to save money by consolidating engagements where possible. 

At the same time, businesses' need for strategy and implementation assistance from ecosystem services providers has grown as their technology stacks have become more complex to manage over time. 

As a result of these factors, businesses will want to work with ecosystem services providers who can serve as a one-stop shop by taking a holistic, integrative approach to software implementation and consulting.

When it comes to engaging with third parties, buyers agree: fewer is better

In G2’s 2023 Buyer Behavior Survey, B2B purchasing decision-makers made it clear that they prefer to keep things simple when engaging with vendors. 

A bar chart displaying survey results from a 2023 Buyer Behavior Survey question.

In the context of software buying, 84% of respondents said they would prefer to purchase one tool to solve multiple business problems instead of multiple point solutions to solve individual problems.

Furthermore, 78% said they’d prefer to purchase additional, complementary products from a single vendor they already work with versus working with multiple vendors. 

There isn’t some mystical barrier between software and services. Software buyers are also services buyers, so it stands to reason that this preference for broader engagements with fewer vendors also applies to how buyers prefer to engage services providers.

Broad expertise is important, but how broad is broad enough?

We’ve established that services buyers prefer to work with ecosystem service providers with expertise in multiple software ecosystems. 

Does that mean every provider needs to be an expert on every software ecosystem?

A multi-bar chart that displays the Services Satisfaction Metrics by Breadth of Software Ecosystem Fluency.

Looking at satisfaction data from G2 reviews, the answer is a resounding “no.” 

G2 assesses satisfaction for services providers using a distinct set of service-focused attributes: Professionalism, Expertise of Team, Responsiveness, Execution Ability, Communication Skills, and Ease of Doing Business With. 

There is a lift across satisfaction metrics for those listed as consultants in two of G2’s Ecosystem Services Providers categories versus those listed in just one. However, diminishing returns appear to set in quickly, as there’s a notable dip in satisfaction among providers listed in three or more ecosystem service provider categories. 

As the saying goes: “if you try to please everyone, you will please no one.” 

Providers looking to meet their clients where they are by expanding their expertise should do so mindfully, lest they spread themselves too thin.

Learn about the key elements of an effective MSP SLA that ensure success.

Edited by Jigmee Bhutia

Ecosystem Services Providers Find software implementers and consultants

Ecosystem services providers can demystify deployments for some of the biggest players in the software space.

2024 Trends: Multi-Ecosystem Expertise Can Help Service Providers To win and retain clients, ecosystem service providers will need to show that they have expertise across a range of software ecosystems rather than in just one. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/G2CM_C04_Digital_Trends_2024_24_Cody_White_Services_F1.png
Cody White Cody is a Senior Research Analyst at G2 with a focus on services. He has spent nearly his entire career thinking about and researching B2B technology and services and is excited to bring that experience to G2. Most recently, Cody worked in custom market research, where he helped B2B technology and services clients understand their customers and the market. Earlier in his career, Cody worked for technology research and advisory firms 451 Research and Forrester. In his free time, Cody enjoys tabletop and video gaming, traveling, cooking, and watching horror films with friends. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/Cody%20White.png