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Slideshow Collections

  • 14 Common Pediatric Ingestions to Know Many pediatric ingestions are harmless and require no substantial medical intervention; however, several can be lethal, even in small quantities. Awareness of and vigilance for these ingestions are critical, particularly in cases of unknown or occult ingestion. Can you correctly diagnose these 14 pediatric ingestions?
  • Eight Skin Rashes You Need to Know Skin rashes are common patient complaints. Although many symptoms overlap, there are identifiable factors for each disease. Can you identify these rashes?
  • Ocular Trauma: 8 Potentially Devastating Eye Injuries Ocular injuries can be catastrophic and result in permanent vision loss. These 8 eye injuries require quick treatment to prevent devastating outcomes.
  • 7 Bug Bites You Need to Know Most insects and arachnids are benign, but some can inflict painful injuries or transmit dangerous pathogens. Learn more about the potentially harmful effects of lice, ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests.