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Search Our Records

Excellent data services that ensure effective online information about the historic environment.

Coflein allows access to details of many thousands of archaeological sites, monuments, buildings and maritime sites in Wales, together with an index to the drawings, manuscripts and photographs held in the National Monuments Record of Wales archive collections.

Library Catalogue
The Library catalogue provides online access to the Royal Commission’s Library collections which cover all aspects of Welsh archaeology, architecture, history, maritime archaeology, topography and cartography, planning legislation and historic environment strategy.

Historic Wales
Historic Wales is a map-based gateway that allows the user to view information from one or more databases. The information is displayed as locational dots on a mapping background.

RCAHMW on Data Map Wales

Data from the National Monuments Record Wales can now be freely accessed and downloaded from Data Map Wales as terrestrial and maritime data sets. The data is available under an Open Government Licence as part of our commitment to make our data more accessible.  

The Britain from Above website features images from the Aerofilms collection, a unique aerial photographic archive of international importance. The collection includes 1.26 million negatives and more than 2000 photograph albums.

Digital Dissent: The Story of Welsh Chapels
The full content of the Commission’s Chapels Database – a total of 6430 sites – has been made available online through the project website.

People’s Collection Wales
People’s Collection Wales is a website dedicated to the story of Wales and its people. The website is full of fascinating photographs, sound recordings, documents, videos and stories about the history and heritage of Wales.

List of Historic Place Names
The List of Historic Place Names is an index of names given to, or held by, geographical locations identified from sources that predate the First World War.

Inventory of Historic Battlefields in Wales
The Inventory of Historic Battlefields in Wales is an interpretative, educational and research resource aimed at increasing knowledge, raising awareness and prompting further research on battlefields and other historic conflict sites in Wales.

Journey to the Past
Journey to the Past is a multimedia website promoting historic heritage tourism in Wales (in partnership with Bangor University and the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies).

Unloved Heritage?
The Unloved Heritage? project website features a programme of community archaeology activities designed to engage, enthuse and inspire young people throughout Wales to get involved with their local heritage.

U-Boat Project Wales 1914-18: Commemorating the War at Sea
The U-Boat Project website uses innovative imaging techniques to reveal underwater wrecks from the Great War as well as the previously untold stories about the Great War at Sea from coastal communities around Wales.


CHERISH (Climate, Heritage and Environments of Reefs, Islands and Headlands) was an EU-funded climate change and coastal heritage project, 2017-2023. The project raised awareness and understanding of the past, present and near-future impacts of climate change on heritage sites and landscapes along the coasts and seas of Wales and Ireland.

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