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Unanswered Questions

309 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
15 votes
0 answers

Relation between quantum entanglement and quantum state complexity

Both quantum entanglement and quantum state complexity are important in quantum information processing. They are usually highly correlated, i.e., roughly a state with a higher entanglement corresponds ...
13 votes
0 answers

Is HHL still BQP-complete when the matrix entries are only in {0,1}?

I'm studying BQP-completeness proofs of a number of interesting problems of Janzing and Wocjan, and Wocjan and Zhang. Janzing and Wocjan show that estimating entries of matrix powers $(A^m)_{ij}$ with ...
10 votes
0 answers

Strong vs weak simulations and the polynomial hierarchy collapse

(Edited to make the argument and the question more precise) An argument for quantum computational "supremacy" (specifically in Bremner et al. and the Google paper) assumes that there exists a ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is there a BQP algorithm for each level of the polynomial hierarchy PH?

This question is inspired by thinking about quantum computing power with respect to games, such as chess/checkers/other toy games. Games fit naturally into the polynomial hierarchy $\mathrm{PH}$; I'm ...
9 votes
0 answers

Empirical Algorithmics for Near-Term Quantum Computing

In Empirical Algorithmics, researchers aim to understand the performance of algorithms through analyzing their empirical performance. This is quite common in machine learning and optimization. Right ...
8 votes
0 answers

How to decide which quantum device to use if a quantum algorithm is given?

I'm planning to write my master thesis in quantum computing. The subject of the thesis is to find out which attributes (properties, features) of quantum algorithms respectively their implementations (...
8 votes
0 answers

Better "In-Place" Amplification of QMA

$\def\braket#1#2{\langle#1|#2\rangle}\def\bra#1{\langle#1|}\def\ket#1{|#1\rangle}$ In MW05 the authors demonstrate so-called "in-place" amplitude amplification for QMA, exhibiting a method for Arthur ...
8 votes
0 answers

Are non-secret-based quantum money mini-schemes susceptable to Jogenfors' "reuse attack?"

Aaronson and Christiano call public-key or private-key quantum mini-schemes $\mathcal M$ secret-based if a mint works by first uniformly generating a secret random classical strings $r$, and then ...
8 votes
1 answer

Gradient boosting akin to XGBoost using a quantum device

I am currently trying to implement a boosting algorithm akin to XGBoost with a quantum device. The reason is that I want to make use of a quantum device to train weak classifiers. However, as far as I ...
8 votes
0 answers

Requirements for Achieving a Quantum Speedup

We usually talk about the power of a quantum computer by examining the separation between sets of gates that we know we can efficiently simulate on a classical computer (i.e. problems in the class BPP)...
7 votes
0 answers

Is there a practical architecture-independent benchmark suitable for adversarial proof of quantum supremacy?

Recent quantum supremacy claims rely, among other things, on extrapolation, which motivates the question in the title, where the word "adversarial" is added to exclude such extrapolation-...
7 votes
0 answers

If we could only get two-qubit tomography as an output, what algorithms are possible

According to the circuit model, the output for a quantum computation on $n$ qubits is an $n$-bit string. But what if we instead got a full two qubit tomography for all $n(n-1)$ pairs of qubits? This ...
7 votes
0 answers

How can blackholes be fast information scramblers?

I noticed that there was already a post discussing the fast scrambling property of black holes. But it seems no satisfactory answer was given. As mentioned by L. Susskind et. al, the fast scrambling ...
6 votes
0 answers

Is amplitude estimation optimal?

Amplitude estimation requires $O(1/\epsilon)$ measurements if we want to estimate an amplitude to absolute precision $\epsilon$. Is this optimal? Why can't we do better than this? I'm trying to see if ...
6 votes
0 answers

Why is lattice-based cryptography believed to be hard to solve for quantum computers?

Lattice-based cryptography is said to be the main contender for a post-quantum cryptography framework. It's thought that instead of having to switch everything over to QKD, post-quantum algorithms can ...

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