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Strategic Asset Allocation and Multi-Asset Class Option Based Tail Risk Hedging

If a Strategic Asset Allocation is defined as an asset allocation to weather all investment environments and one which should be employed in the absence of any market views, it would appear that the ...
AlRacoon's user avatar
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Managing/Hedging strangle with futures at strike prices

Since I am very new to options, I thought would be great to ask the opinions of the experts in this group. Please note that I will hold strangles till expiration. The goal is to sell strangles (OTM ...
rockav's user avatar
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Option seller: Why is delta hedging required if I am long/short the underlying with same number of lots as the OTM options I sold?

Situation: Sold OTM call while long the underlying. Stock did not tank, it went up too much breaching the breakeven point (strike price+premium). If I sell 1 lot of call options and I am being long ...
rockav's user avatar
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What put options would the Universa Tail Fund have bought?

According to this Bloomberg article, Universa was up 3,600% in March 2020, by hedging with extremely out-of-the-money puts:
Derek Shen's user avatar
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Simple strategies for tail risk hedging that retail investors can use

Universa Investments run by Mark Spitznagel popularized the idea of portfolio insurance (also known as tail hedge) protecting the investor against severe market declines (tail risks). By using this ...
slava-kohut's user avatar
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Delta Hedging/ Exchange for Currency Options

I'm looking at 2 cases of hedging EURUSD, using call spread or range forward. Lets say spot is 1.1300 and my buy call is at 1.1300 and sell call is at 1.1500. Hypothetically I'm assuming that this is ...
Shyam's user avatar
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Exotic option arbitrage

Suppose an exotic European option has a sub hedging (price being lower than the target) portfolio of vanilla European options all with the same expiry as the exotic option. The sub hedging portfolio ...
Hans's user avatar
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Delta neutral strategy using a combination of put and call options

I am learning about quantitative finance and currently learning about delta neutral strategies. The examples given are most of the times of the form: if you buy call options, you can hedge your ...
etotheipi's user avatar
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What really is Gamma scalping?

How does Gamma scalping really work? It seems there is no true profit scalped. If we look at the simplest scenario, Black-Scholes option price $V(t,S)$ at time $t$ and the underlying stock price at $S$...
Hans's user avatar
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Tracking error Black Scholes

Suppose an asset follows the SDE $$ d S_{t}^{1} = \mu S_{t}^{1} dt + \sigma_{t} S_{t}^{1} d W_{t} $$ Furthermore assume that $r = 0$ and a trader who uses Black-Scholes for pricing and hedging with ...
Methamortix's user avatar
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Implementation of an option tail-hedging strategy

This question directly refers to the paper "Capital Asset Pricing Mistakes: The Consistent Opportunities in Tail Hedged Equities", Very ...
user9343456's user avatar
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Effect of different maturity options in delta-gamma-hedging

I read about hedging with options and think i got it. However there is a case am not sure how to handle. Is there any exception in the delta-gamma-hedging-(calculaton-)technique? - say: solve an set ...
nobody's user avatar
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How to hedge a bull call spread

I am trying to make a theoretical hedge to a bull call spread. (buy out the money call, sell further out the money call) What I have now is almost effective but there is one possible 80% loss (...
CQM's user avatar
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Skew arbitrage: How can you realize the skewness of the underlying?

It's not clear to me how to realize skewness. In other words, how do you implement skew arbitrage? There seems to be no well-known recipe like in volatility arbitrage. Volatility arbitrage (or vol ...
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