parallel_sync Usage

parallel_sync is a python package for uploading or downloading files using multiprocessing and md5 checks on Linux. The files can be transferred from a remote linux host or a url.

Benefits: * Very fast file transfer (parallelized) * If the file exists and is not changed, it will not waste time copying it * You can specify retries in case you have a bad connection * It can handle large files

In most of the examples below, you can specify parallelism and tries which allow you to parallelize tasks and retry upon failure. By default parallelism is set to 10 workers.

Upstream Example:

from parallel_sync import rsync
creds = {'user': 'myusername', 'key':'~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'host':''}
rsync.upload('/tmp/local_dir', '/tmp/remote_dir', creds=creds)

Downstream Example:

from parallel_sync import rsync
creds = {'user': 'myusername', 'key':'~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'host':''}'/tmp/remote_dir', '/tmp/local_dir', creds=creds)

File Download Example:

from parallel_sync import wget
urls = ['http://something.png', 'http://somthing.tar.gz', '']'/tmp', urls, extract=True)

# download on a remote machine:
creds = {'user': 'myusername', 'key':'~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'host':''}'/tmp', urls, creds=creds)

# To untar or unzip compressed files after download:'/tmp', urls, creds=creds, extract=True)

Example extracting a file on a remote host:

creds = {'user': 'myusername', 'key':'~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'host':''}
rom parallel_sync import compression
compression.extract('/tmp/x.tar.gz', creds=creds)

Example checking that a files exists:

from parallel_sync import executor
if executor.path_exists(path, creds):
    print "yes"

Example finding files or directories:

from parallel_sync import executor
files = executor.find_files(dir_path, creds, include=['*.png', '*.jpg'])
dirs = executor.find_dirs(dir_path, creds, include=['test'])

Note that if creds is None, then it will search on localhost

Example Running commands:

from parallel_sync import executor
cmds = ['mv /tmp/x /tmp/y', 'touch /tmp/z'], creds=creds, parallelism=len(cmds)):
print'pwd', creds=creds, curr_dir='/tmp')

Example using parallel_sync within fabric:

from fabric.api import env
from parallel_sync import rsync
rsync.upload('/tmp/x', '/tmp/y', creds=env)'/tmp/y', '/tmp/z', creds=env)
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