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The 2024 PSF Board Election is Open: If you are a voting member of the PSF that affirmed your intention to participate in this year’s election, we need your vote!   More Info

We support the Python Community through...


In 2022 we awarded $215,000 USD for over 138 grants to recipients in 42 different countries.


We support and maintain, The Python Package Index, Python Documentation, and many other services the Python Community relies on.

PyCon US

We produce and underwrite the PyCon US Conference, the largest annual gathering for the Python community. Our sponsors’ support enabled us to award more than $270,000 USD in financial aid to 374 attendees for PyCon 2023.


Become a Member

Help the PSF promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language and community!

Membership FAQ


Assist the foundation's goals with a donation. The PSF is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

How to Contribute


Learn how you can help the PSF and the greater Python community!

How to Volunteer


Sponsorship Possibilities