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A question about the creation and development of puzzles. Not to be used for requesting the creation of a puzzle.

34 votes
3 answers

How can I procedurally generate Sokoban puzzles?

How can Sokoban puzzles be procedurally generated with a computer program, guaranteeing at least one solution? A simple algorithm might be: {n} times place a "target" square and a box on the squ …
Doorknob's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to avoid getting "stuck" while generating sudoku puzzles?

I understand the basic method of generating sudoku puzzles, which is: Put a random number in the current square. If the puzzle is still valid, go to the next square. Otherwise, stay on the same squa …
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 4,667
15 votes
4 answers

How can I generate mazes that often have multiple "forks" or choices?

The basic algorithm for procedurally generating mazes goes something like this: Choose a random available direction from the current square. If there is one, go there and repeat from step 1. Otherwi …
Doorknob's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Removing numbers from a full sudoku puzzle to create one with a unique solution

What is a simple and efficient way of removing numbers from a full sudoku puzzle to create one with a single unique solution? I have already figured out how to generate sudoku grids, like this one: …
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