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body:"apples oranges"
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This tag is for questions where the answerer must identify a puzzle type based on deliberately limited information about its nature, such as notes made in the course of solving it. For questions where the asker genuinely needs to know the puzzle type, use the [puzzle-identification] tag instead.

6 votes

What are they trying to solve?

$\require{begingroup}\begingroup \def\T#1{\color{black}{\small\textsf{#1}}} $ A fortnight of utter silence later, curiosity overcomes shyness and Marius thinks of something to say.
humn's user avatar
  • 21.9k
4 votes

The trunk of trivial trials

Answers /guesses with solutions and links, followed by a slosh of backpuzzle.* Links: Backpuzzle.   To compensate for three woefully wrong simplistic answers above, see three …
humn's user avatar
  • 21.9k
0 votes

The mess of Adrian Puzzlinger

(Wikified worksheet— feel free to correct or add.) Sums and products decomposed: _______ …
5 votes

A line in Connect Four

A different proof and a different friend, named Georg This is not the correct solution but does show, for variety, how a diagonal line in Connect Four resembles Georg Cantor’s diagonal proof that rea …
humn's user avatar
  • 21.9k
6 votes

A line in Connect Four

Addition plus geometry divides a game board Your friend’s graffiti motivation might have come from page 69 of Proofs Without Words, Volume 1, by Roger B. Nelsen, displaying an image exactly like a Co …
humn's user avatar
  • 21.9k