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A puzzle related to mathematical facts and objects, whose solution needs mathematical arguments. General mathematics questions are off-topic but can be asked on Mathematics Stack Exchange.

0 votes

Divide rubies and diamonds on a necklace into 2 equal halves

I'd love to come back and add diagrams for the examples. Say you start with a loop that has all of the diamonds and all of the rubys together. You can easily cut that in half to get 7 diamonds and 5 r …
Hand-E-Food's user avatar
-2 votes

Making three fair dice

Surprisingly, it's the same solution as applying 12 numbers to 2 dice. This also fits @Daniel Mathias' comment of each die having equal chance of being the lowest.
Hand-E-Food's user avatar
6 votes

What is ls Largest Number Formed by only moving two sticks in 508?

Not a serious answer. Take one stick, put it aside. I only moved two sticks...
Hand-E-Food's user avatar
2 votes

How to solve 1 2 3 4 5 = 5 4 3 2 1 (insert five pluses to make it equal)? A thorough solutio...

Admittedly, I finish with trial and error, but after narrowing it down to 7 calculations.
Hand-E-Food's user avatar