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Hackers have created a new scheme to send passwords (advanced version)

Note: Following puzzle is an advanced version of this puzzle. Both of them were used in a competition called Cyber Cube 2017 located in Tbilisi, Georgia. Every detail of task is virtual and this ...
ShellRox's user avatar
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4 votes
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Hackers have created a new scheme to send passwords

Note: Following puzzle was used in certain competition and every detail of task is virtual (This certain competition is not ongoing). Hackers have created a new scheme to send passwords. ...
ShellRox's user avatar
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31 votes
5 answers

The old tinkerer's safe

A client of mine died last Sunday - just as he was born on a Sunday. He was already at rather ripe age, and I had the pleasure to present his last will to his loving and caring family. As far as I ...
BmyGuest's user avatar
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you probably read this wrong!

Read this carefully: ‮114 116 108 111‮11000110110001011000 What's my message? Hint:
Simply Beautiful Art's user avatar
9 votes
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The Hyper-Modern Kidnapper: Crime Scene #4

The Story: As soon as he read the message that Lipwig found, Sergeant Vimes raced home, sirens blaring for traffic to move aside. His daughter was home in her room. His daughter was home in her room. ...
Engineer Toast's user avatar
15 votes
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Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark

This puzzle follows the convention that anything outside a quote is flavour text. So last night I left my computer running. You know - when computers get older they want to bend the rules a bit. Don't ...
Sumurai8's user avatar
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Whatever it is, it should be in a museum

I have a friend who collects early computer technology. In fact, he's got a bunch of bizarre peripherals that probably should be in a museum instead. Some of this stuff is so esoteric that he's had to ...
Phlarx's user avatar
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It's my friend.. again

Yet again, my friend is back at it! Just today, I asked him for something, and he sent me a blank image, though I have a certain feeling it's not blank. You guys helped the last time, but can you ...
hannah's user avatar
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Crack the code (Java related)

I found a card of a company which must be several years old when cleaning my house. On this card, there is a riddle and I just can't figure it out. The code is the following: ...
ZinC's user avatar
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Can you figure out my favorite color?

I will start this puzzle with a review of my all time favorite book. This book is about architecture and city planning by authors who worked at a university. Here in the book, there are over 200 ...
margalo's user avatar
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25 votes
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A weird website

So I recently stumbled upon a very strange website: There doesn't seem to be anything except a normal navigation-bar (which isn't working) and a cipher. Can you decrypt it? Maybe the plaintext will ...
user avatar
27 votes
8 answers

Meatsacks, please help us decipher this code

Be greeted, meatsacks. We have been studying several of your species for some time now. One of the subjects, some meatsack related to saving Earth several times, seemed to know a lot of our operations ...
Sumurai8's user avatar
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What is the answer to the following puzzle? [closed]

Observe the following question carefully and answer accordingly. iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsIAAA7CARUoSoAAAAAhSURBVDhPY3wro/...
Hitesh Dholaria's user avatar
6 votes
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This is the rune page which has been found on-line in May 2014 released by the mysterious cyber group, Cicada 3301. It consists of cipher text which is the hint to the included hash. Transcript: ᚫᛄ•...
kenorb's user avatar
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What does this program try to tell?

I tried to open an non existent page on stackoverflow and received "Page Not Found" warning however didn't understand what the code next means. Do you know what SO try to tell?
newzad's user avatar
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