
This is a true story. There is a Polish village with no boys born in the last 10 years. How is this possible?


3 Answers 3


Can't help thinking you're looking for more than this, but:

From the linked article

There have only been 12 births during that time

If you simply assume the odds of a boy or girl being born are 50:50, then

The odds of 12 in a row being girls are only 4096 to 1. That's pretty much bound to happen regularly somewhere in the world, this just happened to attract news coverage.


Well, for the lateral thinking tag...

Modelize our problem with $n$ births with proba $\frac12$ for a boy, we might be quite lucky, or unlucky...
enter image description here


The village has no medical facilities within its boundaries, so any birth in the village is a "home birth". If most pregnancies of village residents go to a nearby city for the actual birth, the few "home births" might all happen to have been girls.


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