

I am big business you should better not skip

If I'm used longer you're in a relationship

Also, I feel odd when there are 2k human beings

My absence might hurt anothers feelings

Who/What am I? Can you figure it out?


3 Answers 3


My guess is

A Handshake

I am big business you should better not skip

Even the biggest of businesses follow the norm of a handshake greeting. (unless another norm replaces it, like Japan's bowing greet, but even that one can include a handshake)

If I'm used longer you're in a relationship

A prolonged handshake turns into hand holding, a common gesture of couples.

Also, I feel odd when there are 2k human beings

Greeting a crowd is normal, but handshaking a crowd can be quite awkward

My absence might hurt anothers feelings

A first meeting without a handshake might be considered rude to the other person


We are welcomed to try, which hints to something done as a greeting, also hinted by the Hi! at the start of the riddle

  • $\begingroup$ Yes!! Great Job! $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 28, 2020 at 19:57
  • $\begingroup$ "Also, I feel odd when there are 2k human beings". rot13(Lbhe ernfbavat vf tbbq gbb, ohg lbh fubhyq tbbtyr Unaqfunxvat yrzzn. Nyfb pbafvqre gung 2x crbcyr ner na rira ahzore.) $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 28, 2020 at 20:01

My guess

hospital(ity) (or patient?)

I am big business you should better not skip

A robust civilisation should have a hospital of some kind to treat patients

If I'm used longer you're in a relationship

If you are in a hospital for long while, then it probably means you need to go there often; you have built a sort of relationship to it.

Also, I feel odd when there are 2k human beings

This could refer to the recent pandemic

My absence might hurt anothers feelings

Lack of hospitality (or patience) could hurt people’s feelings.

  • $\begingroup$ Unfortunately, that's not what I'm looking for. But you might be on the right track. rot13(Vg unf fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu uhzna vagrenpgvbaf.) $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 28, 2020 at 13:32

My guess:


I'm not too sure though.

  1. I am big business you should better not skip

    I believe this refers to either "corporate identity" (establishing a brand presence) or how corporations are utilizing personal information (i.e., identities) for targeted sales.

  2. If I'm used longer you're in a relationship

    Refers to how mathematical relationships (or functions) with identities have been studied for longer.

  3. Also, I feel odd when there are 2k human beings

    In a large crowd, one might feel a sense of loss of identity.

  4. My absence might hurt anothers feelings

    I think this refers to an algebraic structure without an identity element (where some theorems break down). Or the absence of an individual (or their identity) may upset someone else.

  • $\begingroup$ Not what I'm looking for. rot13(Vg unf fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu uhzna vagrenpgvbaf. Gurer ner (yvxr lbh abgvprq) ersreraprf gb zngu.) $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 28, 2020 at 13:34

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