
I am looking for help solving the burr puzzle using the pieces: 615, 792, 824, 911, 992, 1024. I have 3d printed the pieces from the printable puzzle project's starter burr set, which says that these pieces are part of a level 2 puzzle. Any tips, hints, solutions, or additional info about this particular puzzle would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

These are the pieces (in the order listed above): enter image description here

And this is how the solution should look (a different burr puzzle using the set): enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Here is a Blender animation showing the disassembly process for one of the two solutions. Pieces 615, 792, 824, 911, 992 and 1024 are coloured red, black, pink, white, yellow and blue respectively.

This solution has a 2-piece key (824/992).
MP4 version here.

Higher-res stills from the video:

The Blender source scene can be obtained here.

Here is the other solution with the same colours:

3-piece key (824/992/1024). MP4 here, Blender scene here.


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