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My friend, who works in a Library, has recently learned about Puzzles, in general, and Puzzling Stack Exchange, in particular. He was excited and has sent me this puzzle to "test" the users of PSE. Can you rise to the occasion and explain what happens on Day 6 and where it happens?

Day 1: Copenhagen: Two men are conversing with each other. One is talking about some cause and effect scenario while the other is talking about how fate is the reason life turns out the way it turns out.


Day 2: Vienna: A pastor is talking about how the soul can be saved from sin and its consequences.


Day 3: Stockholm: A judge is reading something related to threatening or harmful conduct to people.


Day 4: Kiev:


Day 5: Lisbon: A person is looking at the remains of a fish.


Day 6: ???: ????

My friend, who works in a Library, has recently learned about Puzzles, in general, and Puzzling Stack Exchange, in particular. He was excited and has sent me this puzzle to "test" the users of PSE. Can you rise to the occasion and explain what happens on Day 6 and where it happens?

Day 1: Copenhagen: Two men are conversing with each other. One is talking about some cause and effect scenario while the other is talking about how fate is the reason life turns out the way it turns out.


Day 2: Vienna: A pastor is talking about how the soul can be saved from sin and its consequences.


Day 3: Stockholm: A judge is reading something related to threatening or harmful conduct to people.


Day 4: Kiev:


Day 5: Lisbon: A person is looking at the remains of a fish.


Day 6: ???: ????

My friend, who works in a Library, has recently learned about Puzzles, in general, and Puzzling Stack Exchange, in particular. He was excited and has sent me this puzzle to "test" the users of PSE. Can you rise to the occasion and explain what happens on Day 6 and where it happens?

Day 1: Copenhagen: Two men are conversing with each other. One is talking about some cause and effect scenario while the other is talking about how fate is the reason life turns out the way it turns out.

Day 2: Vienna: A pastor is talking about how the soul can be saved from sin and its consequences.

Day 3: Stockholm: A judge is reading something related to threatening or harmful conduct to people.

Day 4: Kiev:

Day 5: Lisbon: A person is looking at the remains of a fish.

Day 6: ???: ????

Notice removed Reward existing answer by 19aksh
Bounty Ended with Gareth McCaughan's answer chosen by 19aksh
Notice added Reward existing answer by 19aksh
Bounty Started worth 100 reputation by 19aksh
Became Hot Network Question
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What happens on Day 6?

My friend, who works in a Library, has recently learned about Puzzles, in general, and Puzzling Stack Exchange, in particular. He was excited and has sent me this puzzle to "test" the users of PSE. Can you rise to the occasion and explain what happens on Day 6 and where it happens?

Day 1: Copenhagen: Two men are conversing with each other. One is talking about some cause and effect scenario while the other is talking about how fate is the reason life turns out the way it turns out.

Day 2: Vienna: A pastor is talking about how the soul can be saved from sin and its consequences.

Day 3: Stockholm: A judge is reading something related to threatening or harmful conduct to people.

Day 4: Kiev:

Day 5: Lisbon: A person is looking at the remains of a fish.

Day 6: ???: ????