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Notice removed Reward existing answer by gabbo1092
Bounty Ended with Thomas Blue's answer chosen by gabbo1092

In Alschen, in 1999, a boy woke up on a nice morning, and discovered only to discover a riddle on some paper under his bed, he. He took it to his mother who was shocked. His mother then showed the riddle to all of his grandparents and they were shocked too, his. His grandma said:

"What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?" then
"Yes", the mother said "Yesreplied." 

The mother left the house and showed it to all of the neighbours, some were shocked, while others cringed. The news media called the boy's mother to visit and have a conversation with a news reporter. 2 hours later, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and left to return to the boy's home, still very shocked. The boy saidasked

"Why did you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?" then the mother says "Because ummm
"Because, uhh... iI just accidentally forgetforgot it because of nature" then..replied the mother. - 

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here

What did the riddle say?

In Alschen 1999, a boy woke up on a nice morning, and discovered a riddle on some paper under his bed, he took it to his mother who was shocked. His mother then showed the riddle to all of his grandparents and they were shocked too, his grandma said "What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?" then the mother said "Yes." The mother left the house and showed it to all of the neighbours, some were shocked, while others cringed. The news media called the boy's mother to visit and have a conversation with a news reporter. 2 hours later, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and left to return to the boy's home, still very shocked. The boy said "Why you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?" then the mother says "Because ummm... i just accidentally forget it because of nature" then... -THE END-

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here

What did the riddle say?

In Alschen, in 1999, a boy woke up on a nice morning only to discover a riddle on some paper under his bed. He took it to his mother who was shocked. His mother then showed the riddle to all of his grandparents and they were shocked too. His grandma said:

"What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?"
"Yes", the mother replied. 

The mother left the house and showed it to all of the neighbours, some were shocked, while others cringed. The news media called the boy's mother to visit and have a conversation. 2 hours later, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and left to return to the boy's home, still very shocked. The boy asked

"Why did you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?"
"Because, uhh... I just accidentally forgot it because of nature" replied the mother. 

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here

What did the riddle say?

Notice added Reward existing answer by gabbo1092
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by gabbo1092
edited grammar and spelling, added actual question alongside the story
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In Alschen 1999, a boy wakeswoke up inon a goodnice morning, a boyand discovered a riddle thing inon some paper under of his bed, he taketook it to his mother then his motherwho was shocked, his. His mother then showed athe riddle thing to all of his parentsgrandparents and all of his parents wasthey were shocked too, one of his parents, grandma sayssaid "What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?" then the mother sayssaid "Yes." then theThe mother leavesleft the house and showed it to all peoplesof the neighbours, some peoples arewere shocked, while others cringescringed. The news media callscalled the boy's mother to come herevisit and havinghave a conversation with thea news reporter,. 2 hours hencelater, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and leaves from it, the boy's mother returnedleft to return to the boy's home and it's very shocking for his mother's life, thestill very shocked. The boy sayssaid "Why you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?" then the mother says "Because ummm... i just accidentally forget it because of nature" then... -THE END-

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here

What did the riddle say?

In Alschen 1999, a boy wakes up in a good morning, a boy discovered a riddle thing in under of his bed, he take it to his mother then his mother was shocked, his mother showed a riddle thing to all of his parents and all of his parents was shocked, one of his parents, grandma says "What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?" then the mother says "Yes." then the mother leaves the house and showed it to all peoples, some peoples are shocked, while others cringes. The news media calls the boy's mother to come here and having a conversation with the news reporter, 2 hours hence, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and leaves from it, the boy's mother returned to the boy's home and it's very shocking for his mother's life, the boy says "Why you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?" then the mother says "Because ummm... i just accidentally forget it because of nature" then... -THE END-

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here

In Alschen 1999, a boy woke up on a nice morning, and discovered a riddle on some paper under his bed, he took it to his mother who was shocked. His mother then showed the riddle to all of his grandparents and they were shocked too, his grandma said "What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?" then the mother said "Yes." The mother left the house and showed it to all of the neighbours, some were shocked, while others cringed. The news media called the boy's mother to visit and have a conversation with a news reporter. 2 hours later, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and left to return to the boy's home, still very shocked. The boy said "Why you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?" then the mother says "Because ummm... i just accidentally forget it because of nature" then... -THE END-

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here

What did the riddle say?

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Riddle of Alschen

In Alschen 1999, a boy wakes up in a good morning, a boy discovered a riddle thing in under of his bed, he take it to his mother then his mother was shocked, his mother showed a riddle thing to all of his parents and all of his parents was shocked, one of his parents, grandma says "What is this mysterious thing, is this an obscure object?" then the mother says "Yes." then the mother leaves the house and showed it to all peoples, some peoples are shocked, while others cringes. The news media calls the boy's mother to come here and having a conversation with the news reporter, 2 hours hence, the boy's mother ended her conversation with the news reporter and leaves from it, the boy's mother returned to the boy's home and it's very shocking for his mother's life, the boy says "Why you just take a riddle thing to the 'out'?" then the mother says "Because ummm... i just accidentally forget it because of nature" then... -THE END-

The image of Riddle of Alschen is here below: enter image description here