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Here is my third retrograde puzzle - Ipuzzle—I hope you guys will enjoy it :) For this construction, I took some inspiration from shoopi's excellent puzzle series from a while back. It should also be a bit more approachable than my previous ones:

Is it possible to reach this position in such a way that White can still castle?

Final position, FEN is: 1B1n1b1n/p1pppppp/8/P7/8/6P1/1P1PPP1P/R3K1kr

Please provide your reasoning in your answer.

Here is my third retrograde puzzle - I hope you guys will enjoy it :) For this construction, I took some inspiration from shoopi's excellent puzzle series from a while back. It should also be a bit more approachable than my previous ones:

Is it possible to reach this position in such a way that White can still castle?

Final position, FEN is: 1B1n1b1n/p1pppppp/8/P7/8/6P1/1P1PPP1P/R3K1kr

Please provide your reasoning in your answer.

Here is my third retrograde puzzle—I hope you will enjoy it :) For this construction, I took some inspiration from shoopi's excellent puzzle series from a while back. It should also be a bit more approachable than my previous ones:

Is it possible to reach this position in such a way that White can still castle?

Final position, FEN is: 1B1n1b1n/p1pppppp/8/P7/8/6P1/1P1PPP1P/R3K1kr

Please provide your reasoning in your answer.

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Tim Seifert
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Can White still castle?

Here is my third retrograde puzzle - I hope you guys will enjoy it :) For this construction, I took some inspiration from shoopi's excellent puzzle series from a while back. It should also be a bit more approachable than my previous ones:

Is it possible to reach this position in such a way that White can still castle?

Final position, FEN is: 1B1n1b1n/p1pppppp/8/P7/8/6P1/1P1PPP1P/R3K1kr

Please provide your reasoning in your answer.