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Use the Index of CoincidenceIndex of Coincidence to detect any periodic phenomena in the hex digits.

The result is 800 bits long, and the first bit of every group of 8 is always a zero. This is probably ASCIIASCII- or UTF-8-encoded text, so interpret it as such:

Use the Index of Coincidence to detect any periodic phenomena in the hex digits.

The result is 800 bits long, and the first bit of every group of 8 is always a zero. This is probably ASCII-encoded text, so interpret it as such:

Use the Index of Coincidence to detect any periodic phenomena in the hex digits.

The result is 800 bits long, and the first bit of every group of 8 is always a zero. This is probably ASCII- or UTF-8-encoded text, so interpret it as such:

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The plaintext is:

you all need to alert the government that J L Morrison is the traitor and has been selling state secrets to the Russians go

Sadly, the intelligence was not received in a timely manner and John's employer is now a Russian vassal state. Perhaps the Russians will teach their new officers some proper cryptanalysis.

Take the five strings of hex digits in order and consider them as a single ciphertext:


Use the Index of Coincidence to detect any periodic phenomena in the hex digits.

The yellow plot (the Kappa test) is similar to Autocorrelation and counts the number of digits that repeat at each distance. This plot tells us that digits tend to recur at distances 7, 14, 21, etc.

The blue plot (the Kullback Test) arranges the text into different widths and for each width counts the average IoC down every column. The plot tells us that on a width of 7, or 14, or 21, or so on, each column contains a lot of repeated hex digits.

Periodic IoC plot of hex digits

Since hex digits can be used to represent binary data, find out if the same period exists at the binary level. Convert the hex strings to binary:

1    6    e    4    6    c    8    c    e    b      [...]
0001 0110 1110 0100 0110 1100 1000 1100 1110 1011   [...]

Repeat the IoC test. Sure enough, the period of 7 shows up at the binary level too, but the period of 14 is an even stronger hit.

Periodic IoC plot of binary digits

Investigate the period of 7 further. Break the binary string into 7-bit "words", and count the number of times a 1 bit appears at each of the 7 positions in that word. (In other words, write the string on a width of 7 and count the 1 bits in each column.)

enter image description here

There is some roughness on bits 2, 4, and 5. Recall that a Hamming(7, 4) code uses bits 2, 4, 5, and 6 as its data bits. Group the binary string into seven-bit groups and attempt to apply the Hamming code to decode each group into a four-bit data group. dCode's online tool can be used for this, though I did write my own to overcome dCode's limit on input length. My own tool also tells me that each group has only a single flipped bit.

Encoded: 0001011 0111001 0001101 1001000 1100111 0101111  [...]
Errors:  0000100 0100000 0000010 0000100 0000001 0100000  [...]
Fixed:   0001111 0011001 0001111 1001100 1100110 0001111  [...]
Data:      0 111   1 001   0 111   0 100   0 110   0 111  [...]

The result is 800 bits long, and the first bit of every group of 8 is always a zero. This is probably ASCII-encoded text, so interpret it as such:


There are 100 characters of text here, a square number. Print them on a width of 10. The plaintext appears on the columns.

