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Bounty Ended with 50 reputation awarded by ThePuzzler- or rather APuzzler
Bounty Ended with 50 reputation awarded by JGibbers
added 801 characters in body
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Apparently, I consulted the only Wikipedia language page where Lionel Richie was not listed as Jr. Thanks to the hint from @Sconibulus it is not US, but Jr. For the second part, I have no idea how to reduce the big number (similar to Puzzle 3 as @Sconibulus suggets) down to two letters. So, wild guessing led to MM, but why MM=2000? 8__C_ZS_ .lU.U..U

Puzzle 9:

No clue where to start. A lot of letters. First guess would be the first letters of the words of a well known quote or song or whatever. The second drawing, no idea what this should be: a strange meeple? a pawn in a game? How to get from this to a letter and a number? Game over...? I'm also not sure what this Easter egg in the lower right corner should hint to.

Stuck again...

Apparently, I consulted the only Wikipedia language page where Lionel Richie was not listed as Jr. Thanks to the hint from @Sconibulus it is not US, but Jr. For the second part, I have no idea how to reduce the big number (similar to Puzzle 3 as @Sconibulus suggets) down to two letters. So, wild guessing led to MM, but why MM=2000? 8__C_ZS_ .lU.U..U

Puzzle 9:

No clue where to start. A lot of letters. First guess would be the first letters of the words of a well known quote or song or whatever. The second drawing, no idea what this should be: a strange meeple? a pawn in a game? How to get from this to a letter and a number? Game over...? I'm also not sure what this Easter egg in the lower right corner should hint to.

Stuck again...

puzzle 8 added
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The atom model directs to the periodeicperiodic system of the elements. Two numbers 111,48 mirrored. Element numbers 48 and 111 are Cadmium (Cd) and Roentgenium (Rg) Reversed and lower case makes gr and dc. __J__JTz ll.ll...

For the time being I'm stuck here.

ok, apparently these should be the Marshall Islands, two letter code (mh) (I overlooked OP's comment on 2-letter code), however, I couldn't find any map which resembles the given image, so this was more a trial and error. Chess: last move white Bishop (B) to h7. ___n__FM lll.ln..

Puzzle 8:

Except for Clint Eastwood I had to reverse image search the other people. 1. Clint Eastwood, 2. Robert Downey Jr., 3. Snoop Dogg, 4. Lionel Richie. They are all US-citizens. About the huge number... it is in the list of the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences but how further? 8__C_ZS_ .lU.U..U. If first part is maybe uS, how to make two letters out of this big number?

Stuck again...

The atom model directs to the periodeic system of the elements. Two numbers 111,48 mirrored. Element numbers 48 and 111 are Cadmium (Cd) and Roentgenium (Rg) Reversed and lower case makes gr and dc. __J__JTz ll.ll...

For the time being I'm stuck here.

The atom model directs to the periodic system of the elements. Two numbers 111,48 mirrored. Element numbers 48 and 111 are Cadmium (Cd) and Roentgenium (Rg) Reversed and lower case makes gr and dc. __J__JTz ll.ll...

For the time being I'm stuck here.

ok, apparently these should be the Marshall Islands, two letter code (mh) (I overlooked OP's comment on 2-letter code), however, I couldn't find any map which resembles the given image, so this was more a trial and error. Chess: last move white Bishop (B) to h7. ___n__FM lll.ln..

Puzzle 8:

Except for Clint Eastwood I had to reverse image search the other people. 1. Clint Eastwood, 2. Robert Downey Jr., 3. Snoop Dogg, 4. Lionel Richie. They are all US-citizens. About the huge number... it is in the list of the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences but how further? 8__C_ZS_ .lU.U..U. If first part is maybe uS, how to make two letters out of this big number?

Stuck again...

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Not a complete solution...

Puzzle 1:

Looks like a QWERTY keyboard.The sequence of the letters is not clear, but first trial would be qw1 BXL___BL ...lln..

Puzzle 2:

The atom model directs to the periodeic system of the elements. Two numbers 111,48 mirrored. Element numbers 48 and 111 are Cadmium (Cd) and Roentgenium (Rg) Reversed and lower case makes gr and dc. __J__JTz ll.ll...

Puzzle 3:

Italy in the center of a map. Approx. on top of Rome the number 1515. This leads to the Roman number MDXV. 4_fvb___ .l...Ull (with the correction f-->F).

Puzzle 4:

On first sight it looks like a clock with 12 subdivisions. What does ENE mean? ENE is e.g. a romanian last name or the airport code of an airport in Indonesia. So maybe some letters of numbers nine and six in Romanian or Indonesian? However, apparently, this should be a compass rose (but shouldn't this have 16 subdivisions?) and ENE stands for East-North-East. The arrow to 1 points to West (W) and South (S) or apparently (SSS). Take the first letter of W and the second and third letter of SSS. 18__mv_T ..Ul..l.

Puzzle 5:

Six times F, 0, 1/3 makes #FFFFFF in RGB colors "white" and #000000 is "black" and 1/3 * 6 is 2. _ypj8_h_ l....U.n

Puzzle 6:

No idea what the first image should represent, some pads or a door stopper...? Well, The puzzle text has some typos: gues > guess, bob > job, nect > next. Take the correct letters, i.e. s,j,x. A card deck has typically 52 cards. ___V_Lq_ UUl.n..n

Puzzle 7:

A map which only shows blue. This could be a zoom-in into an ocean, i.e. sea. Chess... the position of the black king (g8) or the white bishop (h7)? Doesn't work. Black must have done a castling which is noted as 0-0 or sometimes as O-O... no idea...

For the time being I'm stuck here.