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edit: Alternative (nicer?) solution using a lot of weighing

First note that with the weighing scale we sometimes can distinguish more than 3 states (which I use once below)

Make 4 groups a,b,c,d; each with coins 1..6
weigh ab, bc, cd

Case1: Not all weights the same:
4) weigh a (now you also know the weight of b,c,d, and thus in which group or 2 groups they are**)
If fakes from 1 group (then non cancelling)
5) weigh half of each group (due to non cancelling fakes we know if 0,1,or 2 fakes)
- if 1 6)7) balance to find the fakes in their 2 half-groups
- if 0/2 6) measure 14 of each group 7) measure 25 of each group (done in 7)
If fakes from 2 groups
5)6) and 7)8) balance to find the fakes in their 2 groups **

** not identifyable if 2 equal heavies/2 equal lights
Then weigh 123 of one heavy and one light group. If twice that weight is:
- weight light group -> no fake and fakes are heavy
- weight light group + dif (i.e. weight heavy group) -> no fake and fakes are light
- weight light group + 2x dif -> a heavy fake
- weight light group - dif -> a light fake
6) and 7)8) balance to find the fakes in their 2 groups (of 3 resp 6)

Case2: All weights the same: (canceling fakes in one group )
4) weigh 123 from each group
= 123 canceling or 456 canceling
5) weigh 14; 6) weigh 25 7)8) balance to find low from 8 candidates
> 123 heavy 456 light
5) balance 1-3 6) balance 4-6 and 7)8) balance to find low from 4 candidates

Original solution

edit: Alternative (nicer?) solution using a lot of weighing

First note that with the weighing scale we sometimes can distinguish more than 3 states (which I use once below)

Make 4 groups a,b,c,d; each with coins 1..6
weigh ab, bc, cd

Case1: Not all weights the same:
4) weigh a (now you also know the weight of b,c,d, and thus in which group or 2 groups they are**)
If fakes from 1 group (then non cancelling)
5) weigh half of each group (due to non cancelling fakes we know if 0,1,or 2 fakes)
- if 1 6)7) balance to find the fakes in their 2 half-groups
- if 0/2 6) measure 14 of each group 7) measure 25 of each group (done in 7)
If fakes from 2 groups
5)6) and 7)8) balance to find the fakes in their 2 groups **

** not identifyable if 2 equal heavies/2 equal lights
Then weigh 123 of one heavy and one light group. If twice that weight is:
- weight light group -> no fake and fakes are heavy
- weight light group + dif (i.e. weight heavy group) -> no fake and fakes are light
- weight light group + 2x dif -> a heavy fake
- weight light group - dif -> a light fake
6) and 7)8) balance to find the fakes in their 2 groups (of 3 resp 6)

Case2: All weights the same: (canceling fakes in one group )
4) weigh 123 from each group
= 123 canceling or 456 canceling
5) weigh 14; 6) weigh 25 7)8) balance to find low from 8 candidates
> 123 heavy 456 light
5) balance 1-3 6) balance 4-6 and 7)8) balance to find low from 4 candidates

Original solution

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To do it in 8 measurements with the balance scale:

Measure 12 coins, if equal measure the other 12 else swap half of them and measure again.

With 8 groups of 3 named a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h this leads to 4 cases:
Case 1: ab>cd ac=bd
Case 2: ab>cd ac>bd
Case 3: ab=cd ef>gh
Case 4: ab=cd ef=gh

Case 1: both fakes in abcd and sometimes cancelling
ab>cd ac=bd a>b c>d (a is heavy d is light) a1-a2 d1-d2 (6)
ab>cd ac=bd a=b a=e (c is light d is light) c1-c2 d1-d2 (6)
ab>cd ac=bd a=b a>e (a is heavy b is heavy) a1-b1 b1-b2 (6)

Case 2: a heavy or d light (and dominant over b,c if the other fake is there)
ab>cd ac>bd ef=gh b=c (both fakes in ad) a-e, d-e (+2(at most) = 8)
ab>cd ac>bd ef=gh b>c (fake in ad + bc) (+2+2=8)
ab>cd ac>bd ef>gh (fake in ad + efgh) (+2+3=8)

Case 3: both fakes in efgh
ab=cd ef>gh e=f g=h (e+f heavy or g+h light) a-e (+2 =7)
ab=cd ef>gh e=f g>h (lightest in h + fake in gh) a-g (+2=7)
ab=cd ef>gh e>f g=h (heaviest in e + fake in ef) a-f (+2=7)
ab=cd ef>gh e>f g>h f=g (heavy in e + light in h) (+2=7)
ab=cd ef>gh e>f g>h f>g (heavy in e+g or light in f+h) (+3=8)

Case 4: canceling fakes in abcd of efgh
ab=cd ef=gh bf=ae cg=dh (2 canceling fakes within one group) ->see below
ab=cd ef=gh bf=ae cg>dh (c heavy + d light or g heavy + h light) c-g (+2=7)
ab=cd ef=gh bf>ae b=f (a light + cd light or e light + gh light) a-e (+3=8)
ab=cd ef=gh bf>ae b>f (b heavy acd light) (+3=7)

Case 4.1, second half
compare the first of each group 4vs4 and then the second of each group 4vs4 to determine the fake positions within the group/isolate the fakes.
then use measurement 7+8 to determine the group