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Leading theory confirmed by OP, hence other candidate theories are now out of date; remove them
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Gareth McCaughan
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(I present four theories, in rough reverse order of when I thought of them. Theory 0 is my current best guess and may actually be right; I think it fits all the information OP has given us in the riddle and in subsequent hints. But it's a little bit artificial somehow. The other theories handle the riddle itself reasonably well, in some cases a bit better than theory 0, but fall down on the latest hint.)

Theory 0

Our object is

1. Only one thigh: yes, there's just a linear sequence of arrows. 2. Removing neck or thigh still leaves the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow there and tells us something about it. 3. Yes, this is algebra. 4. If we don't do any slicing we have an exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ which implies that the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow is an isomorphism ("invertible").

Theory 1

Our object is

one function/morphism/map/arrow in an exact sequence. This time the head end is the end where the arrowheads are.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Cut off the sequence at the "head" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $\cdots\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Cut off the sequence at the "foot" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow\cdots$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

If we cut between A and B, then the morphism we're looking at just isn't there at all. It's been killed.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

If you do all three slices, then you not only destroy the morphism we're looking at, you also cut off some other things that you didn't need to. Overkill, indeed.

Theory 2

Alternatively, maybe our object is

a short exact sequence; that is, some mathematical objects and morphisms $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ with the property that the image of each is the kernel of the next. We again adopt the convention that the "head" end is the right, the direction in which the arrow-heads point. So A, B, C are the thigh, the waist, and the neck.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

This means: replace C (the neck) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $A\rightarrow B$ is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

This means: replace A (the thigh) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $B\rightarrow C$ is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

Now we replace B with 0 instead, getting $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$, which forces both A and C to be 0. We've killed them.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

... And now we have $0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0$, which in one sense means we've killed everything but in another tells us nothing at all. "Overkill" seems fair.

Theory 3

Changing focus a little, maybe our object is

not a mathematical object but a bit of related mathematical _notation; specifically, an arrow $\rightarrow$

and the slicing is

done by adding extra arrowheads or, in one case, slashes.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Once again, the head end is at the right next to the arrow-head. So we get $\twoheadrightarrow$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Now we get $\rightarrowtail$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

$\not\rightarrow$ which isn't used much but clearly means that there isn't a map/function/arrow of some sort, which one could reasonably call "a kill". I don't recall ever actually seeing this used, but TeX and its mathematical fonts have specific support for writing it (compare the start of this paragraph with e.g. what you get by applying \not to other varieties of arrow: $\not\twoheadrightarrow$), which suggests that it is a thing people sometimes want.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

In the sense that no one would in fact ever write $\rlap{\not\rightarrowtail}\twoheadrightarrow$, which is altogether too much of a good thing.

Other notes

In category theory (the branch of mathematics where this sort of diagram most natively dwells) there are a number of things whose names could suggest killing: ends, limits, terminal objects. None of them seems to fit this riddle, though. There's also a thing called a "Killing vector field" (named after someone called Killing) but again nothing about it other than the name seems to fit.

(I present four theories, in rough reverse order of when I thought of them. Theory 0 is my current best guess and may actually be right; I think it fits all the information OP has given us in the riddle and in subsequent hints. But it's a little bit artificial somehow. The other theories handle the riddle itself reasonably well, in some cases a bit better than theory 0, but fall down on the latest hint.)

Theory 0

Our object is

1. Only one thigh: yes, there's just a linear sequence of arrows. 2. Removing neck or thigh still leaves the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow there and tells us something about it. 3. Yes, this is algebra. 4. If we don't do any slicing we have an exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ which implies that the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow is an isomorphism ("invertible").

Theory 1

Our object is

one function/morphism/map/arrow in an exact sequence. This time the head end is the end where the arrowheads are.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Cut off the sequence at the "head" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $\cdots\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Cut off the sequence at the "foot" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow\cdots$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

If we cut between A and B, then the morphism we're looking at just isn't there at all. It's been killed.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

If you do all three slices, then you not only destroy the morphism we're looking at, you also cut off some other things that you didn't need to. Overkill, indeed.

Theory 2

Alternatively, maybe our object is

a short exact sequence; that is, some mathematical objects and morphisms $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ with the property that the image of each is the kernel of the next. We again adopt the convention that the "head" end is the right, the direction in which the arrow-heads point. So A, B, C are the thigh, the waist, and the neck.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

This means: replace C (the neck) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $A\rightarrow B$ is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

This means: replace A (the thigh) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $B\rightarrow C$ is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

Now we replace B with 0 instead, getting $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$, which forces both A and C to be 0. We've killed them.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

... And now we have $0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0$, which in one sense means we've killed everything but in another tells us nothing at all. "Overkill" seems fair.

Theory 3

Changing focus a little, maybe our object is

not a mathematical object but a bit of related mathematical _notation; specifically, an arrow $\rightarrow$

and the slicing is

done by adding extra arrowheads or, in one case, slashes.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Once again, the head end is at the right next to the arrow-head. So we get $\twoheadrightarrow$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Now we get $\rightarrowtail$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

$\not\rightarrow$ which isn't used much but clearly means that there isn't a map/function/arrow of some sort, which one could reasonably call "a kill". I don't recall ever actually seeing this used, but TeX and its mathematical fonts have specific support for writing it (compare the start of this paragraph with e.g. what you get by applying \not to other varieties of arrow: $\not\twoheadrightarrow$), which suggests that it is a thing people sometimes want.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

In the sense that no one would in fact ever write $\rlap{\not\rightarrowtail}\twoheadrightarrow$, which is altogether too much of a good thing.

Other notes

In category theory (the branch of mathematics where this sort of diagram most natively dwells) there are a number of things whose names could suggest killing: ends, limits, terminal objects. None of them seems to fit this riddle, though. There's also a thing called a "Killing vector field" (named after someone called Killing) but again nothing about it other than the name seems to fit.

Our object is

1. Only one thigh: yes, there's just a linear sequence of arrows. 2. Removing neck or thigh still leaves the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow there and tells us something about it. 3. Yes, this is algebra. 4. If we don't do any slicing we have an exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ which implies that the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow is an isomorphism ("invertible").

an approach that seems consistent with everything in the riddle and its hints, though head and foot aren't the way around I'd have preferred
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Gareth McCaughan
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Doubtful answer

(OP has confirmed that something here is along the right linesI present four theories, in rough reverse order of when I thought of them. What immediately followsTheory 0 is my current best single theory butguess and may actually be right; I don't findthink it wholly satisfactory; there are then some further maunderings aboutfits all the information OP has given us in the riddle and in subsequent hints. But it's a little bit artificial somehow. The other related ideastheories handle the riddle itself reasonably well, in some cases a bit better than theory 0, but fall down on the latest hint.)

I think thatTheory 0

Our object is

a very short exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. "Exact sequence" means that the image of each function is the kernel of the next one. Here $A,B$ are, let's say, groups and $0$ is the trivial one-element group. (You can do similar things with other structures besides groups.) The left-hand side is the head end, which seems the wrong way around because the right-hand side is where the arrow-heads are, but never mind.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Remove the leftmost arrow, leaving $A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. This says that the image of the $A\rightarrow B$ map is all of B; that is, that that map is epic ("onto").

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Remove the rightmost arrow, leaving $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B$. This says that the kernel of the $A\rightarrow B$ map is trivial; that is, that the map is monic ("one-to-one"). The "de" at the start of "monic" is just there to make the technical term "monic" into an ordinary word.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

Remove the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow itself and the object of interest (namely, the map represented by that arrow) is no longer there; it's been killed.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

Now there's nothing left at all, which seems a reasonable definition of overkill.


1. Only one thigh: yes, there's just a linear sequence of arrows. 2. Removing neck or thigh still leaves the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow there and tells us something about it. 3. Yes, this is algebra. 4. If we don't do any slicing we have an exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ which implies that the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow is an isomorphism ("invertible").

Theory 1

Our object is

one function/morphism/map/arrow in an exact sequence. This time the head end is the end where the arrowheads are.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Cut off the sequence at the "head" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $\cdots\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Cut off the sequence at the "foot" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow\cdots$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

If we cut between A and B, then the morphism we're looking at just isn't there at all. It's been killed.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

If you do all three slices, then you not only destroy the morphism we're looking at, you also cut off some other things that you didn't need to. Overkill, indeed.

Theory 2

Alternatively, maybe our object is

a short exact sequence; that is, some mathematical objects and morphisms $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ with the property that the image of each is the kernel of the next. We again adopt the convention that the "head" end is the right, the direction in which the arrow-heads point. So A, B, C are the thigh, the waist, and the neck.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

This means: replace C (the neck) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $A\rightarrow B$ is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

This means: replace A (the thigh) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $B\rightarrow C$ is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

Now we replace B with 0 instead, getting $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$, which forces both A and C to be 0. We've killed them.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

... And now we have $0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0$, which in one sense means we've killed everything but in another tells us nothing at all. "Overkill" seems fair.

Theory 3

Changing focus a little, maybe our object is

not a mathematical object but a bit of related mathematical _notation; specifically, an arrow $\rightarrow$

I take itOnce again, the head end is at the right (nextnext to the arrow_head_)arrow-head. So we get $\twoheadrightarrow$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is epic or "onto".

Now we get $\rightarrowtail$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is monic or "one-to-one". (If this interpretation is right, the "de" is just there to make an ordinary word out of the technical term "monic".)

Technical note:

Actually not just functions, and when we generalize beyond functions it's not necessarily true that monic = one-to-one or that epic = onto.

I am not 100% convinced by this because

(1) the waist-slicing is of a different kind from the neck-and-thigh-slicing, and (2) the "overkill" line is a bit strained. To fix #1 we'd need some notation like $\rightarrow\!\!\rightarrow$ and $\rightarrowtail\!\!\twoheadrightarrow$ ... but I don't know of any meaning generally assigned to such notations.

I have wondered about a slightly different interpretation hinging on the same key words, but I think it's strictly worse than the above as well as depending on slightly more obscure mathematics.Other notes

There is a thing called a "short exact sequence", which is a sequence of maps $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ with the property that the image of each map is the kernel of the next, with the 0s denoting trivial objects such as 1-element groups. In this situation, the map from A to B is always monic, and the map from B to C is always epic. So if we can consider isolating these maps as "slicing my neck" / "slicing my thigh", the first two lines kinda work. But it's not clear to me that we can, and again I am not sure what useful thing "slicing my waist" could mean.

In order to have a waist to slice, we could

consider an exact sequence with four nonzero terms: $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow D\rightarrow 0$. If we call the three arrows there connecting nonzero objects the "thigh", the "waist" and the "neck" respectively, then the "neck" is epic, the "thigh" is monic, and ... we can't really say anything much about the "waist", alas.

Or, following a suggestion made in comments by Feryll,

we could consider the slicings to mean removing one of A,B,C. Then slicing the neck would need to mean deleting A, so that we have $B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ meaning that the first of those two arrows is epic; slicing the thigh would need to mean deleting C, so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B$ meaning that the second of those two arrows is monic; slicing the waist would need to mean forcing $B=0$ so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ which would imply that $A,C$ are both 0, which is kinda "a kill". But (1) the neck and thigh seem the wrong way around here and (2) the slicings are of very different kinds.


category theory, which is the (the branch of mathematics where these monic and epic things arethis sort of diagram most native,natively dwells) there are several notionsa number of things whose names mightcould suggest killing: ends, limits, terminal objects. But I don't know of any notation for anyNone of these things that involves "slicingthem seems to fit this riddle, though. There's also a thing called a "Killing vector field" (named after someone called Killing) but again nothing about it other than the waist" of anythingname seems to fit.

Doubtful answer

(OP has confirmed that something here is along the right lines. What immediately follows is my best single theory but I don't find it wholly satisfactory; there are then some further maunderings about other related ideas.)

I think that maybe our object is

an arrow $\rightarrow$

I take it the head end is at the right (next to the arrow_head_). So we get $\twoheadrightarrow$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is epic or "onto".

Now we get $\rightarrowtail$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is monic or "one-to-one". (If this interpretation is right, the "de" is just there to make an ordinary word out of the technical term "monic".)

Technical note:

Actually not just functions, and when we generalize beyond functions it's not necessarily true that monic = one-to-one or that epic = onto.

I am not 100% convinced by this because

(1) the waist-slicing is of a different kind from the neck-and-thigh-slicing, and (2) the "overkill" line is a bit strained. To fix #1 we'd need some notation like $\rightarrow\!\!\rightarrow$ and $\rightarrowtail\!\!\twoheadrightarrow$ ... but I don't know of any meaning generally assigned to such notations.

I have wondered about a slightly different interpretation hinging on the same key words, but I think it's strictly worse than the above as well as depending on slightly more obscure mathematics.

There is a thing called a "short exact sequence", which is a sequence of maps $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ with the property that the image of each map is the kernel of the next, with the 0s denoting trivial objects such as 1-element groups. In this situation, the map from A to B is always monic, and the map from B to C is always epic. So if we can consider isolating these maps as "slicing my neck" / "slicing my thigh", the first two lines kinda work. But it's not clear to me that we can, and again I am not sure what useful thing "slicing my waist" could mean.

In order to have a waist to slice, we could

consider an exact sequence with four nonzero terms: $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow D\rightarrow 0$. If we call the three arrows there connecting nonzero objects the "thigh", the "waist" and the "neck" respectively, then the "neck" is epic, the "thigh" is monic, and ... we can't really say anything much about the "waist", alas.

Or, following a suggestion made in comments by Feryll,

we could consider the slicings to mean removing one of A,B,C. Then slicing the neck would need to mean deleting A, so that we have $B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ meaning that the first of those two arrows is epic; slicing the thigh would need to mean deleting C, so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B$ meaning that the second of those two arrows is monic; slicing the waist would need to mean forcing $B=0$ so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ which would imply that $A,C$ are both 0, which is kinda "a kill". But (1) the neck and thigh seem the wrong way around here and (2) the slicings are of very different kinds.


category theory, which is the branch of mathematics where these monic and epic things are most native, there are several notions whose names might suggest killing: ends, limits, terminal objects. But I don't know of any notation for any of these things that involves "slicing the waist" of anything.

(I present four theories, in rough reverse order of when I thought of them. Theory 0 is my current best guess and may actually be right; I think it fits all the information OP has given us in the riddle and in subsequent hints. But it's a little bit artificial somehow. The other theories handle the riddle itself reasonably well, in some cases a bit better than theory 0, but fall down on the latest hint.)

Theory 0

Our object is

a very short exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. "Exact sequence" means that the image of each function is the kernel of the next one. Here $A,B$ are, let's say, groups and $0$ is the trivial one-element group. (You can do similar things with other structures besides groups.) The left-hand side is the head end, which seems the wrong way around because the right-hand side is where the arrow-heads are, but never mind.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Remove the leftmost arrow, leaving $A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. This says that the image of the $A\rightarrow B$ map is all of B; that is, that that map is epic ("onto").

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Remove the rightmost arrow, leaving $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B$. This says that the kernel of the $A\rightarrow B$ map is trivial; that is, that the map is monic ("one-to-one"). The "de" at the start of "monic" is just there to make the technical term "monic" into an ordinary word.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

Remove the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow itself and the object of interest (namely, the map represented by that arrow) is no longer there; it's been killed.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

Now there's nothing left at all, which seems a reasonable definition of overkill.


1. Only one thigh: yes, there's just a linear sequence of arrows. 2. Removing neck or thigh still leaves the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow there and tells us something about it. 3. Yes, this is algebra. 4. If we don't do any slicing we have an exact sequence $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ which implies that the $A\rightarrow B$ arrow is an isomorphism ("invertible").

Theory 1

Our object is

one function/morphism/map/arrow in an exact sequence. This time the head end is the end where the arrowheads are.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

Cut off the sequence at the "head" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $\cdots\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

Cut off the sequence at the "foot" end and put a 0 in place instead, so we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow\cdots$. This means that the $A\rightarrow B$ morphism is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

If we cut between A and B, then the morphism we're looking at just isn't there at all. It's been killed.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

If you do all three slices, then you not only destroy the morphism we're looking at, you also cut off some other things that you didn't need to. Overkill, indeed.

Theory 2

Alternatively, maybe our object is

a short exact sequence; that is, some mathematical objects and morphisms $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ with the property that the image of each is the kernel of the next. We again adopt the convention that the "head" end is the right, the direction in which the arrow-heads point. So A, B, C are the thigh, the waist, and the neck.

Slice my neck, that's quite epic.

This means: replace C (the neck) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $A\rightarrow B$ is epic.

Slice my thigh, that's quite demonic.

This means: replace A (the thigh) with 0. We then have $0\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ and what this tells us is that $B\rightarrow C$ is monic.

Slice my waist, you shall have a kill.

Now we replace B with 0 instead, getting $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$, which forces both A and C to be 0. We've killed them.

Slice all three, that's an overkill.

... And now we have $0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0$, which in one sense means we've killed everything but in another tells us nothing at all. "Overkill" seems fair.

Theory 3

Changing focus a little, maybe our object is

not a mathematical object but a bit of related mathematical _notation; specifically, an arrow $\rightarrow$

Once again, the head end is at the right next to the arrow-head. So we get $\twoheadrightarrow$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is epic.

Now we get $\rightarrowtail$ which is used in mathematics to denote a function that is monic.

Other notes

In category theory (the branch of mathematics where this sort of diagram most natively dwells) there are a number of things whose names could suggest killing: ends, limits, terminal objects. None of them seems to fit this riddle, though. There's also a thing called a "Killing vector field" (named after someone called Killing) but again nothing about it other than the name seems to fit.

mention Feryll's approach to exact sequences too
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Gareth McCaughan
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Or, following a suggestion made in comments by Feryll,

we could consider the slicings to mean removing one of A,B,C. Then slicing the neck would need to mean deleting A, so that we have $B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ meaning that the first of those two arrows is epic; slicing the thigh would need to mean deleting C, so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B$ meaning that the second of those two arrows is monic; slicing the waist would need to mean forcing $B=0$ so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ which would imply that $A,C$ are both 0, which is kinda "a kill". But (1) the neck and thigh seem the wrong way around here and (2) the slicings are of very different kinds.



Or, following a suggestion made in comments by Feryll,

we could consider the slicings to mean removing one of A,B,C. Then slicing the neck would need to mean deleting A, so that we have $B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ meaning that the first of those two arrows is epic; slicing the thigh would need to mean deleting C, so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B$ meaning that the second of those two arrows is monic; slicing the waist would need to mean forcing $B=0$ so that we have $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0$ which would imply that $A,C$ are both 0, which is kinda "a kill". But (1) the neck and thigh seem the wrong way around here and (2) the slicings are of very different kinds.


restructure a bit and don't be quite so diffident; this might actually be the intended answer now
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Gareth McCaughan
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soften the disclaimer at the start a little since I do now kinda have a proposal for the third line
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Gareth McCaughan
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Gareth McCaughan
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