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I guess Ma is

Mother Earth

The specific years and the month refer to

being a red herring

The specific times refer to

the fact that Mother Earth turns by 1 degree every four minutes.


At 1:12 am each day, she turned 18 degrees since 0:00, and at 2:16 am each day she turned 34 degrees.

The only thing that might not add up in this suggested solution is

hint 3, since for my suggested answer you do not need silly clocks, but preferably ordinary and precise ones.

Addition, after DrD explained:

Someone provides several 'silly clocks' online, including a 'degree clock'. So I take it hint 3 was rather a nudge to look at the silly clocks and get an idea than a requirement to interpret the time stamps in any strange way.

I guess Ma is

Mother Earth

The specific years and the month refer to

being a red herring

The specific times refer to

the fact that Mother Earth turns by 1 degree every four minutes.


At 1:12 am each day, she turned 18 degrees since 0:00, and at 2:16 am each day she turned 34 degrees.

The only thing that might not add up in this suggested solution is

hint 3, since for my suggested answer you do not need silly clocks, but preferably ordinary and precise ones.

I guess Ma is

Mother Earth

The specific years and the month refer to

being a red herring

The specific times refer to

the fact that Mother Earth turns by 1 degree every four minutes.


At 1:12 am each day, she turned 18 degrees since 0:00, and at 2:16 am each day she turned 34 degrees.

The only thing that might not add up in this suggested solution is

hint 3, since for my suggested answer you do not need silly clocks, but preferably ordinary and precise ones.

Addition, after DrD explained:

Someone provides several 'silly clocks' online, including a 'degree clock'. So I take it hint 3 was rather a nudge to look at the silly clocks and get an idea than a requirement to interpret the time stamps in any strange way.

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I guess Ma is

Mother Earth

The specific years and the month refer to

being a red herring

The specific times refer to

the fact that Mother Earth turns by 1 degree every four minutes.


At 1:12 am each day, she turned 18 degrees since 0:00, and at 2:16 am each day she turned 34 degrees.

The only thing that might not add up in this suggested solution is

hint 3, since for my suggested answer you do not need silly clocks, but preferably ordinary and precise ones.