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Fall and Spring

Live, learn & intern in the heart of the nation’s capital

As a CIW student in the fall/spring semester, you’ll design your own once-in-a-lifetime experience and earn Cornell University credits while living, learning, and interning in Washington, D.C.

The program, held at the Cornell owned and operated Wolpe Center in D.C., near Dupont Circle, is open to students in any major.


Fall/Spring quick facts

Red calendar iconWHEN

Fall 2024: 8/22/24 – 12/21/24
Spring 2025: 1/16/25 – 5/17/25

Red check markWHO 

Cornell Undergraduates (2nd semester Sophomore and above) & Graduates

Red icon of buildingCREDITS

12 to 16
Cornell credits


Regular Cornell tuition +
CIW Housing/Program fee
See tuition & aid


Email our team


Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 applications now open
Apply here

Fall/Spring highlights

  • Search and apply for an internship of your choosing, do meaningful work, and make an impact.
  • Attend CIW-exclusive tours of local sights such as the Capitol building, the Supreme Court, the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, or one of the many Smithsonian museums, and participate in D.C.-exclusive community events.
  • Network with faculty who are experts in their fields and receive personalized attention in small seminar-style classes.


Samantha Nolan

I’ve done Cornell in Washington the whole year and it was the most amazing experience! Washington, D.C., is the best classroom—museums, lectures, think-tanks events, restaurants, and festivals are just a few of the opportunities waiting for you. The internship experience was really valuable and networking opportunities abound. Class sizes are small so you can get a lot of one-on-one time with professors. Come to CIW—you won’t regret it!

– Samantha Nolan


During your semester at Cornell in Washington, you’ll enjoy the same great education that’s offered on the main campus and more. Our classes, unlike those at many other universities, feature faculty members who are both scholars and practitioners. You’ll have an unparalleled opportunity to get to know these outstanding professors, many of whom are leaders in their fields, and who teach only in Washington, D.C.