Custeio de Energia e Utilidades: parte 01

Custeio de Energia e Utilidades: parte 01

No artigo anterior, falei sobre como é possível criar valor através da gestão de energia e utilidades. Neste segundo, dividido em duas partes, falo sobre como o controle de custos de energia e utilidades bem-sucedido pode ajudar na melhoria da estrutura contábil e financeira de grandes empresas!

Leia o artigo completo!

Tony, thanks for the comment. I couldn't agree more. Data quality is becoming more and more critical as digitalization advances and the quantity of data handled in management systems surges. We do touch on the issue in some articles, especially on the topic of automating data quality filters and heuristics. The article you mentioned is available in English, by the way:, as are all other articles in the blog. I hope you enjoy!

Tony Carrino

VP | MD | PM | Management Advisory Executive | Asset Optimization | Electric Industry

6 a

Eduardo, thanks for sharing this article. With help from Google Translate, this is an interesting article about cost control, and how cost control systems can be mismanaged. One thing for sure, whether you look at PAS 55 or ISO 55000, (certification or just the principles), Data is the foundation of Asset Management, Asset Optimization, and Risk Management. If you don't have quality data, well defined, consistently collected, the article correctly states that cost control becomes 'guesswork'.

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