Product Coalition

Product Coalition


The world's largest independent product management education community. Find us at

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Our mission is to make mastery of product management globally accessible. Founded in 2014 by Jay Stansell, Product Coalition is a publication, podcast and Slack community, full of product people globally. If you have a concern or complaint about our content, please reach out to Jay Stansell or Tremis Skeete.

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2-10 funcionários
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Fundada em
Product Managment, Product Design, Agile, UX, Startup, design thinking, innovation, product development e Technology


Funcionários da Product Coalition


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    Given our limited resources — time, people, and funds — we can’t always build the ideal version of a product. Instead, we create a minimal but still functional version, known as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). If this MVP receives neutral to positive feedback from customers through usage, purchases, clicks, or ratings, we invest further resources to enhance it. If the feedback is negative, we stop and move on to a new idea, ensuring we focus our efforts on the most promising opportunities. To work towards a release of a fully coded version of a product, you must test key assumptions. This means that you must go through several tests to determine whether the product idea [1] is viable and can get stakeholder buy-in and financial investment. This is where the release and presentation of a proof of concept [2] to stakeholders is critical. Once stakeholders see value in the prototype based on the proof of concept [2], the coding and development process moves forward, subsequently leading to the release of a coded version [3]. Once your product team and stakeholders endorse the delivery of the coded version [3]. The learning and iteration continues as needed, as they continue working towards the release of the mature product [4]. Read more... #productdevelopment #productmanagement

    “Can I Make It Smaller?”: How to Use an MVP Razor to Build Features

    “Can I Make It Smaller?”: How to Use an MVP Razor to Build Features

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    Imagine the stages in the product development cycle as a series of diverse terrains, each needing a unique approach. And your success depends on how well you read the situation and make decisions along the way. Every phase — whether it’s coming up with ideas, building the product, or launching it — has its own realities shaped by your team’s culture, the tools you have, and what your customers and business need at that time. What works in one situation might not work in another, so the team needs to understand the context and choose the right methods accordingly. To make this happen, it requires that you build a culture that values trying new things and learning from them, seeing processes as tools rather than strict rules. It’s about defining what the development process looks like for your team, using their strengths, and constantly improving how you work. It’s not often that we read stories online about how product leaders organize their team and navigate the product development life cycle, so when artem ivanov, Founder and Head of Design at product design studio ‘Other Land – Product Design & Growth’ wrote the article about the FoodTech digital products they’ve designed for clients — we wanted to see if we could uncover how the product development life cycle works for him and his product team. We reached out to Artem, and he accepted our request for him to shed some light on their approach. Read more... #productdevelopment #productmanagement #ux #uiux #productdesign

    Iterate and Get Feedback: How to Navigate the Product Development Life Cycle

    Iterate and Get Feedback: How to Navigate the Product Development Life Cycle

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    Digital products designed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to reshape our retail landscape, and consumers are increasingly turning to their devices instead of visiting physical stores. In response, most retailers are actively enhancing their digital customer experiences in order to safeguard their futures. At a product management presentation in New York City, Soumya Shukla emphasized the critical need for retail companies to adopt AI technology swiftly and efficiently. "The pace at which AI technology is advancing means that companies can't afford to lag behind," she asserted. Shukla, who worked for AI solutions platform provider Voyager Labs, and retail customer platform provider Tulip Retail (now at Shopify), shared that while technology adoption is essential, other factors are also at play. Referencing Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, Shukla highlighted an observation he made about machine learning (ML) innovations in the retail industry. At the Internet Association's annual gala, Bezos remarked that "there is no institution in the world that can't be improved by machine learning." Echoing this sentiment, Shukla remarked, "Machine learning is not just a buzzword; it's a powerful technique that's giving retailers the capability to expand the usability of digital services." "ML innovations are leading the creation of not just new user interfaces and features based on what they've done already, but it also accelerates experiments towards building the next generations of products and services. We'll see the emergence of better search engines, voice assistants, image and video generators, and services designed to ensure the technology itself understands the nature, purpose, and value of retail products from the consumer perspective." Read more...

    It’s A Consumer’s Market: How AI is Shaping Retail and Personalization

    It’s A Consumer’s Market: How AI is Shaping Retail and Personalization

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    If you’re a product manager and you’ve performed market research analysis, you’ll realise there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Back when I worked for a software development startup, I learned this the hard way. For as long as SaaS products have existed, product teams have been pushed to release features by clients because they see their competitors release similar capabilities. Our client at the time believed that their market was defined by going with the “feature zeitgeist” as they described it. The client’s desire was to win more of the market, and even when our collective intuition knew better, in the pursuit of keeping the client happy, we agreed to build a case for more funding to build this feature and perform a Total Addressable Market (TAM) analysis. I was good at finding target market statistics if I went deep enough into mountains of data, but for this project, there was little that gave me clarity. Every time I thought I was on the right path to discovering an untapped market segment, I would get there only to realise that I was looking for customer demand in the wrong place. Read more... #productdevelopment #productmanagement

    Total Addressable Markets: How to Determine the Potential Market Size for A Product

    Total Addressable Markets: How to Determine the Potential Market Size for A Product

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    I used to be a lousy product manager. The ideas below were mostly foreign to me. Then within a year, I led the company’s main product UI, and after another year I started managing a team of product managers. I made mistakes, tried new behaviors, iterated, read books by the masters, watched product talks on YouTube, and was coached by my colleagues. I also, sadly, read a slew of garbage advice on product management. If you’re a PM eager to fast-track your career, then these 34 ideas are for you. Read more... By Katrine Tjoelsen #productdevelopment #productmanagement

    34 Ideas to Outperform 99% Of Product Managers

    34 Ideas to Outperform 99% Of Product Managers

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    My day starts typically with my South Indian coffee. Admittedly coffee is my addiction — and I sit and enjoy it in peace. I take a moment to glance at my phone, choosing not to read all the messages. Embracing the “stay away from the phone for one hour” rule brings me a sense of calm. With the kids off to school, I savor half an hour with my coffee, followed by a short but soothing meditation routine. However, the broader Product Management community often presents a different perspective. By this time in the morning, I should have absorbed and caught up on the latest insights from leading influencers. Typically, they proclaim certain trends obsolete — such as “Personas are dead” or “Roadmaps are dead.” These news cycles can stir anxiety about striving to get work done without a roadmap, prompting a hurried dive into articles to grasp the latest alternatives. What was in vogue yesterday may be deemed outdated today. We’re often encouraged to listen to a few podcasts and absorb all the latest in Product Management before finishing our coffee. I’ve heard several leaders mention they listen to podcasts while running, but I’d argue that this distraction can be a safety concern. Exercise should be a mindful and meditative experience. Read more... #productmanagement #productdevelopment

    Hey Product Managers: Breathe. Reset. Be Creative.

    Hey Product Managers: Breathe. Reset. Be Creative.

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    Today many stories exist about people who’ve spent significant amounts of time creating products they believed would “revolutionize” our world. As inspiring as some of these stories are, and since there are many ways to make “revolutions” happen, we ask ourselves: When they went through the product development process, how did they know they were on the right track towards success? How did they know they were on track towards their business goals? How did they know which data or resources they needed, and when? How did they know they made right or wrong choices? How did they know how and when to fix problems or make changes? This is where using metrics come into play, because without metrics — not being able to answer the before mentioned questions are how many miss performance targets when they launch products. But what is a metric? Simply put, it’s captured information designed to help one track the performance of a product or service. So if you want to know how many units sold, or how often customers use your product, or when customers stop using your product — you capture metrics designed to help you answer these questions. Read more... #productmanagement #productdevelopment

    “Metrics Are Answers to Questions.”

    “Metrics Are Answers to Questions.”

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    “When do we actually do our work?” My lead developer and I were looking at yet another week of meetings scattered across our calendars. We were trying to find a chunk of time to work on a new feature we were developing, but our schedules just did not align. We were hired to build innovative products for our company. However, that same company was loading us up with so many nonsensical meetings that even finding a couple of hours to sit down and work on this new feature was a challenge. It was frustrating. This had been happening for weeks, and we had finally reached a tipping point. We decided it was time to make some changes and started working on a plan to present to the rest of our team. Here’s how we went about it... By Justin Hawkins #productdevelopment #productmanagement

    No More Mayhem: How We Solved Our Meeting Overload Problem

    No More Mayhem: How We Solved Our Meeting Overload Problem

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    Product Management isn’t just a matter of MVP, PMF, ROI, NPS, MRR, and ARR. It’s a hell of a lot more difficult. People’s money, jobs, egos, and careers are on the line with your decisions, which can lead to horror-show scenarios.These moments are the ones that keep me up at night, breathing heavily and nervously sweating till dawn’s light. They are the moments where people’s worst selves crawl shrieking into the light. They are where the real product management happens. #productdevelopment #productmanagement

    Horror Stories From The Product Management Trenches

    Horror Stories From The Product Management Trenches

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    The AI landscape is buzzing with Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Llama2, and Gemini, each promising linguistic prowess. But navigating this linguistic labyrinth to choose the right LLM for your product can feel daunting.Fear not, language adventurers! This guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to confidently select the perfect LLM companion for your project, complete with a handy scorecard and real-world examples. By Baker Nanduru #productdevelopment #productmanagement

    Choose the Right Large Language Model (LLM) for Your Product

    Choose the Right Large Language Model (LLM) for Your Product

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