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For questions regarding Agda: the programming language / proof assistant.

4 votes

Turning off some sProp checks

AFAIK there is no way to turn it off. It is also worth pointing out that the cost is greater than you expected. data A : Prop where a b : A It is possible to prove eq : (B : Set)(f : A → B) → f a ≡ …
Trebor's user avatar
  • 4,025
2 votes

Agda: Cannot Instantiate Metavariable

In usual cases Agda should infer that by looking at the types on both sides of the equality. … The further complication of transp completely threw Agda off, so it is reporting something seemingly unrelated to the core error. …
Trebor's user avatar
  • 4,025
5 votes

Defining coercion for proof irrelevant equality

Agda has a runtime irrelevance modality which may be closer to what you want. …
Trebor's user avatar
  • 4,025
3 votes

Using induction to define Indexed family of HITs in agda

Warning: This is called an indexed inductive family, and cubical Agda still has some unimplemented functionalities about this feature yet. …
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  • 4,025