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How to prove "$x \le y$" or "not $(x \le y)$" for rational numbers $x$ and $y$ in Coq?

I make the following code, and I'm in stuck. Please help me.

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.

Require Import QArith.

Lemma Qle_total (x : Q) (y : Q) :
x <= y \/ not (x <= y).

My trial is as follows :

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.

Require Import QArith.

Lemma Lem1 (x : Q) (y : Q) :
not (x <= y) <-> y < x.
split. apply Qnot_le_lt. apply Qlt_not_le.

Lemma Qle_total (x : Q) (y : Q) :
x <= y \/ not (x <= y).
rewrite Lem1.

And I could not proceed.