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Questions tagged [tactic]

A tactic is a command or instruction for constructing a formal proof by applying a common proof technique. For questions about high-level techniques for constructing proofs, use the tag (strategy).

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Feeding rewrites and other hints into an omnibus tactic

How do I feed rewrites that I've marked as safe into a custom tactic? I'm trying to write shorter Coq proofs with more of the easy stuff hidden. To that end, in the script below I proved that ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Coq equivalent of Lean's `nth_rewrite`

Does Coq have an equivalent of Lean's nth_rewrite? rewrite ... at ... appears to specialize at its first unification site ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Coq cannot `simple apply reflexivity` in custom tactic

The fast reflexivity tactic shown below is very interesting. It exposes some of the unification machinery by disabling it. I'm planning on going back and using it in the first part of Software ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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7 votes
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When is the lean 4 "by" required?

I am reading an introductory math/lean course here, and got confused about when the tactic/keyword by is required. It is used most of the time, but is occasionally ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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What's the idiomatic way to instantiate a tuple of evars in Ltac2?

Suppose that I have a local definition of a type ty in the context, and ty can be any nested tuple, e.g.: ...
Ke Du's user avatar
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Ltac, How to intro a fresh variable which may already have a good estiblished name given by a universal quantifier?

Context I am currently self studying Coq following the Software Foundations book series which I am finding very approachable. I have finally gotten round to ...
user2628206's user avatar
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What does `induction ... in ...` do in Coq?

I'm self-studying the Semantics course, and met the following proof script in the warmup directory: ...
Jay Lee's user avatar
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Tactic to Propify a bool expression

Let's say I have bool expressions <bexp> consisting of true, false, variables, ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
3 votes
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Lean4: How to construct an HEq between dependent functions?

I have an extremely simple goal to prove: HEq (fun px rd => match px, rd with | Sum.inr _ppos, dir => dir) fun x => id The reason the match ...
André Muricy's user avatar
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Creating a tactic for 'destructing' a list by last element?

Sometimes, I have a context in which I have some l : list X, and I want to prove the goal by proving that (1) If l = [], the ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
2 votes
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Proving that equality is decidable on an ``Inductive Set``

I've managed to prove that equality within a type is indeed decidable. ...
Johan Buret's user avatar
4 votes
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Which proof assistants implement Church's rule?

Church's rule (CR) is one of the hallmarks of constructive mathematics, and is an admissible rule in a wide variety of constructive theories (you might consider CR to be a requirement for constructive ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Selecting both a hypothesis and Goal while applying a tactic

I have a hypothesis H and some function foo. I want to simplify foo in both H and the ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
7 votes
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Examples of theories where tactic language is required for simple proofs

I was always under the impression, that separate tactic languages were generally considered to be vital for writing long proofs. I see tactic languages as a kind of interpreted DSL to generate ...
uhbif19's user avatar
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How does Lean `simp` tactic work?

The doc at says about simp: all it does is repeatedly replace (or rewrite) subterms of the form A by B, for ...
Weier's user avatar
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Specializing forall quantifiers in Coq

I have an inductively defined type of expressions: ...
Andrii Kozytskyi's user avatar
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Using CoqHammer from Ltac2

As it seems most likely to me, due to the special way arguments are evaluated in CoqHammer tactics (I tried to read the source code in OCaml but unfortunately I didn't understand much of it), it is ...
Vladimir Prigodsky's user avatar
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Rewriting inside quantified propositions in Coq?

Is there a simple way to use rewrites inside quantified Props? As an example, consider the following: ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
2 votes
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Debug autorewrite in Coq

I often meet proofs using autorewrite which Coq takes a while to process for some reason. (Setoid rewriting) I then manually figure out which rewrite rules were ...
8bc3 457f's user avatar
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Question about the tactic "obtain"

I am having difficulty activating the tactic obtain. Is it part of mathlib and where is its exact location?
AgentSmith's user avatar
3 votes
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In Coq, is there a simpler tactic for introducing a disjunction and immediately destructing it?

Very often, I find myself writing some tactics like these: assert (delta = 1 \/ delta <> 1) as Hd by lia. destruct Hd. ...(proceed to work with two cases)... ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
4 votes
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Doing case-by-case proofs about match statements in Lean4

In Lean4, I am stuck in a proof with a goal like this: ...
Jeremy Salwen's user avatar
5 votes
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Tactics for Array/List simplification in lean4

Because there are both Arrays and Lists in Lean4, sometimes you end up with code that has a mixture of Lists and Arrays interspersed with basic operations and conversions between the two. For example,...
Jeremy Salwen's user avatar
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Simple Proof about `String.split`

I am new to lean, working on proving a simple lemma in lean4. lemma String.split_empty (c): String.split "" c = [""] I tried looking for ...
Jeremy Salwen's user avatar
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Applying custom tactic in hypothesis

To avoid tedious repetition I have a tactic that looks something like this: Ltac unfolds := try unfold foo; try unfold bar; try unfold baz; apply some_lemma. ...
Åsmund Kløvstad's user avatar
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Proving that applicative functors compose

For simplicity, here an applicative functor means (in a proof assistant based on dependent type theory) the Haskellian applicative functor, bundled with its equational laws. This I can of course brute ...
Trebor's user avatar
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Coq: can `tauto` be used to prove classical tautologies?

When I experiment, I get inconsistent results. Running the following code (with a proof included to double-check that it's provable) ...
Malcolm Sharpe's user avatar
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Where is the discriminate tactic defined in Coq?

One can read the Coq documentation about discriminate tactic here. Were is this tactic actually defined?
Jacob woolcutt's user avatar
6 votes
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How to evaluate proof terms through opaque definitions?

Is there is a way to force computation over opaque terms, for the purposes of debugging/meta-analysis of proof scripts. I understand why Coq doesn’t do this by default, and guess it would probably ...
Kiran Gopinathan's user avatar
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Prove equality in a record type

I am trying to prove something about monoids an categories. This results in the following (partial) proof: ...
Tempestas Ludi's user avatar
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Cannot discriminate `0 = 1`

I am just practicing a bit with coq, doing some UniMath exercises and am trying to prove (0 = 1) -> empty. However, for some reason, I seem unable to reason ...
Tempestas Ludi's user avatar
11 votes
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Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type

Consider the simple indexed inductive type Inductive Single : nat -> Set := | single_O : Single O | single_S {n} : Single n -> Single (S n). Intuitively, I ...
L. F.'s user avatar
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Why does this trivial proof fail with structuring tacticals?

Given this: Inductive color := Black | White. Inductive point_state := | Occupied of color | Empty . this works: ...
q.undertow's user avatar
20 votes
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What's the difference between reflection and tactics?

Agda has a reflection mechanism (not equality reflection or reflexivity, but something related to metaprogramming based on goals and contexts to generate terms) and people have developed some ...
ice1000's user avatar
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Form of intros in Coq specifically for `forall` and explicitly for `->`

Are there tactics in Coq that are more limited versions (subtactics?) of intros? I'm curious if there are any specifically for ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do we resolve metavariables that appear in hypotheses and targets in Lean?

There are two related questions that I expound on below. It might seem like these aren't quite related, but they are both about how to deal with meta-variables that appear when working through a ...
march's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to prove `forall m n : nat, m == n -> m = n`?

I am learning Coq with ssreflect. Just to understand things, I've proved forall a b : bool, a == b -> a = b but I can't figure out how to prove ...
CrabMan's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can Lean simp arguments be ordered?

I want to simplify the expression 0 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 0 using simp only [mul_zero, zero_mul]. I would like ...
Bolton Bailey's user avatar
12 votes
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In Lean, why is the exact tactic necessary when the goal is the same as a hypothesis?

In Lean, when proving basic theorems, one runs into the following kind of thing: ...
march's user avatar
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