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Questions tagged [software-request]

This tag is used for questions that ask for software with a certain property or goal, such as automated theorem provers for equational logic. If the question is not specifically for software consider using the tag by reference-request.

2 votes
1 answer

Checking if a goal is *definitely wrong* by testing it against random examples in Coq

I'm currently poking around in a medium-sized Coq codebase that I didn't write and am not very familiar with ... and I'm trying off and on to make progress on some lemmas where the proof attempt was <...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Which proof assistants implement Church's rule?

Church's rule (CR) is one of the hallmarks of constructive mathematics, and is an admissible rule in a wide variety of constructive theories (you might consider CR to be a requirement for constructive ...
Christopher King's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Implementability of proof assistants for Infinitary logics with finite many terms

Infinitary logic is a natural consequence of extending the length of proofs of first-order logic to a infinite ordinal level. By definition, since proof lengths are infinitely long, one should not ...
Ember Edison's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Embedding proof assistance in an application

Context Perhaps this is too open-ended a question for StackExchange, in which case I apologize, but otherwise here goes: I have a project I'm toying around with, the core of which is what I'd call &...
Eric Anderson's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Have Hyperdoctrines been formalized?

I was thinking of formalizing them myself for a project if they haven't been already, and I looked in libraries and couldn't find anything. I was thinking of coq in particular because it's the only ...
Julián's user avatar
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