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Questions tagged [inductive-type]

In terms of categorical semantics, an inductive type is a type whose interpretation is given by an initial algebra of an endofunctor. (from nLab)

23 votes
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Categorical semantics of Agda

I would like to know the state of the art regarding the categorical semantics of the type theory implemented by Agda — or at least some approximation of that type theory that is amenable to ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

What are the complex induction patterns supported by Agda?

A question was recently asked on the Coq-club mailing list on Coq rejecting a nastily nested inductive type. We encountered a similar difficulty while trying to port code from Agda to Coq: Agda ...
Meven Lennon-Bertrand's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Expressivity of mutual/nested inductives vs. regular inductives

This question is from @TaliaRinger: Are mutually inductive types and plain old inductive types equally expressive? (Say, in Coq.) I assume yes, but the motive for induction will be a huge mess. But ...
ionchy's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is induction over mutually inductive coinductive types possible?

You can encode ordinals in Coq as Inductive ord := O | S (n: ord) | Lim (s: nat -> ord). Suppose you use the following encoding instead ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
12 votes
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Rules for mutual inductive/coinductive types

Some proof assistants, like Agda and maybe Coq, allow families of mutually defined types, or nested definitions of types, in which some are inductive and others are coinductive. I have no idea what ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type

Consider the simple indexed inductive type Inductive Single : nat -> Set := | single_O : Single O | single_S {n} : Single n -> Single (S n). Intuitively, I ...
L. F.'s user avatar
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10 votes
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What are well-founded inductive types?

W-types are said to be "a well-founded inductive type" that is parameterized over arities and constructors, similar to a "tree of possible constructions". On nlab, it is said that ...
ice1000's user avatar
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Replacing (strict) positivity with monotonicity on propositions

When defining an inductive type, there is a famous "positivity" restriction on the constructor types. For example, an inductive type $\mathsf D$ has constructor $\mathsf c : F(\mathsf D) \to ...
Trebor's user avatar
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2 answers

Are eliminators useful in practice, or are they only useful in the metatheory?

We can derive eliminators (as functions) for inductive types and translate (structurally) recursive functions into invocations of eliminators. However, eliminators seem to be essentially recursive ...
ice1000's user avatar
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9 votes
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Construction of inductive types "the hard way"

Most theorem provers simply axiomize inductive types (or equivalently W types) in the abstract which is fine. But I'm curious about explicit constructions of inductive types within the theory. I ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Strong eta-rules for functions on sum types

I am wondering whether a rule like the following is consistent with decidable conversion and type-checking for dependent type theory: $$ \frac{f\, g : (x:\mathsf{bool}) \to C~x\quad f~\mathsf{tt} \...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Inductive vs. recursive definitions

In Coq there are two ways to define a new type on an inductive type: Using Inductive and using Fixpoint. What are pros and cons ...
8bc3 457f's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to prove in Lean that sums are distributive?

Assume we are given three types in Lean. constants A B C : Type There is a canonical map of the following form. ...
Nico's user avatar
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Parameterized Datatypes in a Universe à la Tarski?

I'm wondering, is there a way to make a Universe à la Tarski that models all of the types in an open type theory, where there can be user defined parameterized inductive types? For context, I'm trying ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
5 votes
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Explain all the arguments to this rec eliminator

I defined this inductive type for representing JSON elements ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Comparing indexed induction to recursion

Many indexed inductive families can be "equivalently" defined by recursion over their indices. For instance, the type family of vectors: ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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4 votes
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Pragmatic encodings of inductive inductive types

What's the most pragmatic encoding for inductive-inductive types such as for a universe of types? In pseudo Coq syntax. ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
4 votes
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Turning off some sProp checks

In Definitional Proof Irrelevance Without K, inductives in sProp need to satisfy three conditions to allow large elimination: (1) Every non-forced argument must be in sProp. (2) The return types of ...
ionchy's user avatar
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Making a finite graph type in Lean - introduction rule

I'm making a finite directed graph type in Lean. I know type theory from an abstract point of view, but I'm struggling to find the way Lean would produce a type playing the role of a "finite set&...
Ronald J. Zallman's user avatar
4 votes
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Co-induction principle

It's known that Nat-ind = Nat-rec ⨯ Nat-initiality Has someone figured out how to define a suitable Conat-coind such that ...
Russoul's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why do record based inductive types with primitive projections lack an eta law?

In Coq there is ongoing work to shore up some weaknesses in subject reduction and coinductive types. Primitive projections are part of that effort for better behaviour. I get why there might be ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
3 votes
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Can you remove strict positivity from mere propositions?

You can encode induction impredicatively. Some minimalist theories dispense entirely with inductive/coinductive types for proof irrelevant impredicative sorts. But in a practical theorem prover it's ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How do I define an induction principle for a type with a nested list of tuples?

I want to define an inductive type that describes records. The records are lists of elements, each element has a name and type. This requires nested recursion, so I've had to define an induction ...
Glyn Webster's user avatar
2 votes
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Uniqueness of proofs for inductively defined predicates

In Init/Peano.v the less-than-or-equal predicate is defined as follows: ...
Pavel Shuhray's user avatar
2 votes
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(In Lean), why cannot structural recursion on propositions be used?

Update: this has been fixed and the fix is available in the latest nightly release of Lean 4. In Lean 4, structural recursion on functions on types is no issue. ...
Jozef Mikušinec's user avatar
2 votes
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How to reason about and extract code for inductive types with negative occurrences in Coq?

I'm interested in proving correctness of the interpreter of Appel's compiler (appendix B), and compare it to the machine semantics given by Kennedy on his paper. The interpreter acts as a denotational ...
paulotorrens's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Induction scheme on two arguments for custom type in Coq

I've been working on formalizing a Hilbert deductive system within Coq. I have the following definition for a term in first-order logic: ...
Circuit Craft's user avatar
2 votes
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Coq Induction on Hypothesis destroys the Hypothesis

I'm trying to prove something in coq I have and Inductive prop type named in_order_merge which is a relation between three lists that shows third one is in_order merge of first two, here is the ...
asha soroushpoor's user avatar
2 votes
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Defining Lists and Prove Associativity of Append [closed]

When I saw this question asking what is the "Hello, World!" for proof assistants I immediately thought of that exercise. Not a long time after this answer by Couchy was proposed. Therefore, ...
Wno-all's user avatar
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Elimination rules of inductive types

Why does the elimination rule of inductive types sometimes allow the target type to depend on the inductive type and sometimes not? I am confused by that. Is it correct that it makes no difference in ...
Nico's user avatar
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4 answers

Formalizing "finite or infinite" in Coq

In Coq, I am trying to formalize the notion of a finite or infinite sequence, e.g. of natural numbers: call it a run, and call ...
Julio Di Egidio's user avatar
1 vote
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How to apply constructor injectivity in the goal

Suppose I have a goal Goal forall m n, S m = S n -> m = n. intros m n H. 1 goal m, n : nat H : S m = S n ============================ m = n I know ...
smithers's user avatar
1 vote
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Inductive types associated to instances of a structure in Lean

I am using the Lean computer proof assistant. I am using the combinatorial structure of a graph with an abelian operation on its edges as a learning example. In it I have a structure Graph. I want to ...
Ronald J. Zallman's user avatar
1 vote
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Heterogeneous lists, large indices

Recently I had cause to define a type of heterogeneous lists in Lean, and wrote ...
Brendan Murphy's user avatar
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how to inductively define paths from paths using unimath

I'd like to define a type of graph where given a set of edges, we can define another graph that has everything from graph 1 but extends the set of edges by adding higher level edges to parallel edges(...
noCrayCray's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does Coq not allow constructor argument types to be strictly positive mutual inductive types?

Note: Apologies for the wicked mouthful of a title. I'm still getting acquainted with Coq terminology, so I might not have chosen the best words. If you have a better title suggestion, edits are more ...
Kyle Lin's user avatar
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Can you always replace mutually recursive references with parameters?

This is a follow up to a question someone else previously posted: Expressivity of mutual/nested inductives vs. regular inductives. pigworker answered that Adopting Agda-ish notation, the basic ...
Kyle Lin's user avatar
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Descriptions of heterogenous datatypes

When attempting to describe the datatype as appearing in my previous question, using indexed descriptions in style of The Gentle Art of Levitation to describe this datatype (using Agda for examples): <...
Ilk's user avatar
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Why inductive types (or variants) are so rigid in terms of the set of constructors

An inductive type definition normally carries a set of constructors C, but I am not so sure why the set of constructors C is always once-for-all statically defined. For instance: ...
Tiago Campos's user avatar
-2 votes
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Help with strong induction

I have the following definition of divisibility by 3. ...
deleted_user0972's user avatar