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Packaging Mathematical Structures in Coq: Help Understanding a Definition

Context I am a relatively new user to Coq with a decent understanding of the basics of dependent type theory and am midway through chapter 2 of the Software Foundations Series of books. I want to ...
user2628206's user avatar
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Is there a way to rename parameters when including/reusing a module type in Coq?

Say I have a (more general) module type Collection that specifies some operations like read and write and now I want to create (more specialized) module types like <...
C.E.Sally's user avatar
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Defining a Recursive Function decreasing on one argument with < and another structurally

I want to define a function which decreases in one argument using < and on another structurally. What is the least painful way to do this? Among the many options (Function, Program Fixpoint, ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
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Define a function using another function

I want to define a translation function g from another function f. Definition trans (f g : Q -> Q) (t : Q) := forall q : Q, f (q + t) == g q. In the above code,...
with-forest's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Coq defining a hierarchy of collections of integers with infinitely many "levels"

I'm trying to formalize a small part of higher-order arithmetic in Coq as an exercise (Wikipedia article for second-order arithmetic). It's straightforward to formalize something resembling second-...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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