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Questions tagged [category-theory]

Categories are structures containing objects and arrows between them. Many mathematical structures can be viewed as objects of a category, with structure preserving morphisms as arrows. Reformulating properties of mathematical objects in the general language of category can help one see connections between seemingly different areas of mathematics.

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1 answer

Proving that applicative functors compose

For simplicity, here an applicative functor means (in a proof assistant based on dependent type theory) the Haskellian applicative functor, bundled with its equational laws. This I can of course brute ...
2 votes
0 answers

Construction of "free Lawvere theory" on a collection of function symbols

I think I've been able to puzzle out the free Lawvere theory on a collection of function symbols ought to have maps being just tuples of the free monad. In Coq ...
14 votes
6 answers

Is there any example of a dependent product that makes sense in a non-type-theory context?

Dependent products are said to be the right adjoints of reindexing functors according to nlab. However, I can only make sense of this explanation in the context of type theory, where dependent ...
20 votes
1 answer

Examples of formalisation of abelian categories

The question I would be interested to hear about examples of formalisation of the theory of abelian categories in theorem provers, and in particular formalisations of things like the zig-zag lemma and ...
10 votes
0 answers

Is there a proof assistant (or an embedding) for the (co)end calculus?

A Higher-Order Calculus for Categories describes a system where you can conveniently perform manipulations with categories, functors, Yoneda embeddings etc. An example of the rules is: $$\frac{\Gamma ,...
18 votes
2 answers

What are the motivations for different variants of categorical models of dependent type?

I am new to the categorical semantics for dependent type theories, so it is surprising for me to see nLab introduces so many variants of categorical models, including comprehension categories, display ...
6 votes
0 answers

Is every logical theory embeddable in a dependently typed extensional type theory?

In category theory by the Yoneda embedding every category $\mathcal{C}$ is a subcategory of a category of presheafs $[\mathcal{C}^{\text{op}}, \text{Set}]$. Every category of presheafs is a topos and ...
11 votes
1 answer

Ergonomic use of multicategories in proof assistants

I've been looking at syntactic multicategories for mechanizing some type theory stuff. But multicategories are pretty messy to work with in a two sorted definition like the usual dependently typed ...
5 votes
0 answers

What is the relation of $\lambda^\to$ and $\lambda^{\to\times}$ to cartesian closed categories?

I am learning about the categorical semantics of type theory. I've written some preliminary results in Agda. In particular, I partially proved that the contexts and substitutions of simply-typed ...
20 votes
0 answers

Can we automatically get around set-theoretic difficulties?

One of the main technical annoyances of working with (large) categories is the variety of set-theoretic difficulties that come about with it: if we use ZFC as background logic, then those large ...

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