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The doc at says about syncsimp:

all it does is repeatedly replace (or rewrite) subterms of the form A by B, for all applicable facts of the form A = B or A ↔ B. The simplifier mindlessly rewrites until it can rewrite no more.

This raises some questions as to how this works in practice:

  • Does simp only perform a brute force search or is it smarter?
  • How does simp never end in a cyclic behavior?
  • Is there some limit in the number of steps it takes to try to obtain the target?

The doc at says about sync:

all it does is repeatedly replace (or rewrite) subterms of the form A by B, for all applicable facts of the form A = B or A ↔ B. The simplifier mindlessly rewrites until it can rewrite no more.

This raises some questions as to how this works in practice:

  • Does simp only perform a brute force search or is it smarter?
  • How does simp never end in a cyclic behavior?
  • Is there some limit in the number of steps it takes to try to obtain the target?

The doc at says about simp:

all it does is repeatedly replace (or rewrite) subterms of the form A by B, for all applicable facts of the form A = B or A ↔ B. The simplifier mindlessly rewrites until it can rewrite no more.

This raises some questions as to how this works in practice:

  • Does simp only perform a brute force search or is it smarter?
  • How does simp never end in a cyclic behavior?
  • Is there some limit in the number of steps it takes to try to obtain the target?
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How does Lean `simp` tactic work?

The doc at says about sync:

all it does is repeatedly replace (or rewrite) subterms of the form A by B, for all applicable facts of the form A = B or A ↔ B. The simplifier mindlessly rewrites until it can rewrite no more.

This raises some questions as to how this works in practice:

  • Does simp only perform a brute force search or is it smarter?
  • How does simp never end in a cyclic behavior?
  • Is there some limit in the number of steps it takes to try to obtain the target?