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You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I letsubst. you completerepeat therewrite proofs<- Z.mul_assoc.  
    f_equal; now rewrite (Z.mul_comm * a c). 

You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)

You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    subst.  repeat rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.  
    f_equal; now rewrite (Z.mul_comm  a c). 

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You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)

You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)

You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)
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You have to explicit themake the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)

You have to explicit the quotient in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)

You have to make the quotient explicit in a relation a | b (defined through an existential quantifier).

Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma mod_mult_or : forall a b c, (a | b) \/ (a | c) -> (a | b * c).
  destruct H as [[q1 H1] | [q2 H2]].
  - exists (q1 * c).
    (* I let you complete the proofs ... *)
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