

Network Marketing Trainer


Digital Marketer

  • Member Since: June 1st, 2015
  • Location: Bakersfield, CA
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Owner
  • Employer: Digital Marketing Ware
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Elementor Will Not Load, on the site Forums:
    Herman, Hello and good day. Updating to the latest version did not work. I will…

  • Posted a reply to Twice Daily Cron Events, on the site Forums:
    can I add events with your plugin? Is it possible? If so, how?

  • Posted a reply to Twice Daily Cron Events, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I selected twice daily, however, it did not give me a…

  • Posted a reply to Set Nofollow, on the site Forums:
    Thank you!!

  • Posted a reply to Set Nofollow, on the site Forums:
    I did not check the box and ran a nofollow test. It says the link…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor Will Not Load, on the site Forums:
    Herman, hello and good day. No, that did not work. Only reverting to version header-footer-elementor.1.6.31…

  • Created a topic, Set Nofollow, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I just installed you plugin and…

  • Created a topic, Elementor Will Not Load, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. The most recent version of the …

  • Posted a reply to Can Not Import: Not found Error, on the site Forums:
    I got it unzipped, unpacked and installed. However, I am still receiving the not found…

  • Posted a reply to Can Not Import: Not found Error, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the response. I have cleared the cache but no luck. I am…

  • Created a topic, Can Not Import: Not found Error, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I am currently experiencing pro…

  • Created a topic, Works Great!, on the site Forums:
    Simple and and easy to use with no fuse.

  • Created a topic, Fields on the Same Line, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. Is there a way to add field opt…

  • Created a topic, WordPress Multisite, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. Is your Redis plugin WordPress …

  • Posted a reply to Twice Daily Cron Events, on the site Forums:
    Yes, however, I do not want them run 12 hours apart. I would like 1-2…

  • Posted a reply to Twice Daily Cron Events, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the information. I am familiar with how WP Cron Events run. However,…

  • Created a topic, Twice Daily Cron Events, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I have a plugin that only has o…

  • Created a topic, Third Party Short Codes, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I have other plugins which use …

  • Posted a reply to Setup Wizard Keeps Resetting, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. The plugin has not interfered with the database. I have not…

  • Created a topic, Mobile Right and Left Menus, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I am having a slight aestic iss…

  • Created a topic, Setup Wizard Keeps Resetting, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. My WooRewards loyalty setup has…

  • Posted a reply to CSV Import Urls with Parameter Options, on the site Forums:
    Thank you!

  • Created a topic, CSV Import Urls with Parameter Options, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I am trying to redirect some su…

  • Posted a reply to Email Notifications, on the site Forums:
    Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Submenu Navigation Color, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. It worked.

  • Posted a reply to Email Attachments Not Sent, on the site Forums:
    Thank you.

  • Created a topic, Email Notifications, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. Is there a way to receive email…

  • Created a topic, Submenu Navigation Color, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I have a 3-4 pages which the su…

  • Posted a reply to Email Attachments Not Sent, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. Quick question: I am using the Mail Poet (Other) SMTP service feature. However,…

  • Created a topic, Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I keep receiving the following …

  • Posted a reply to Page Update Failing, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, Herman. However, I had already duplicated the page and deleted the original. This…

  • Posted a reply to Jetpack Disconnecting/Deactivating, on the site Forums:
    I believe the issue has been resolved. Thank you for all your support!

  • Created a topic, Email Attachments Not Sent, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I am using a plugin called Webi…

  • Posted a reply to Chat Bubble Location, on the site Forums:
    Thank you! That worked.

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce Stock Quantity, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I am trying to indicate the qua…

  • Posted a reply to Jetpack Disconnecting/Deactivating, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thank you for your update and checking on me. I have removed memcache…

  • Created a topic, Page Update Failing, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I am getting an error trying to…

  • Created a topic, Great Product, on the site Forums:
    Creating beautiful, functional and versatile landing a…

  • Created a topic, Slider Revolution URL’s Not Updated, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. I have ran search and resplace …

  • Created a topic, Chat Bubble Location, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. Is there a way to choose anothe…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Snippit, on the site Forums:
    Thank you.

  • Posted a reply to Constantly Deactiving Itself, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. Is there any response or comment on this issue?

  • Posted a reply to Constantly Deactiving Itself, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I have posted the fatal logs to their page.

  • Created a topic, Constantly Deactiving Itself, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. The plugin is constantly deacti…

  • Posted a reply to Constantly Deactiving Itself, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. Where do I get the fatal error logs? I have performed…

  • Created a topic, Jetpack Disconnecting/Deactivating, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. The plugin is constantly deacti…

  • Posted a reply to Constantly Deactiving Itself, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. This seems to be an issue with Jetpack. I have deactivated…

  • Posted a reply to Site Critical Error, on the site Forums:
    I am running Version 8.5.2. Disabling the advanced feature did not resolve the issue. I…

  • Created a topic, Site Critical Error, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. After running a plugin conflict…

  • Posted a reply to Disable Elementor Updatge, on the site Forums:
    Hello and good day. That did not work. I implemented all of the suggestions and…