
  • Member Since: December 12th, 2022
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  • Created a topic, Plugin muy completo, on the site Forums:
    La integración es bastante liosa pero gracias al sopor…

  • Created a topic, i can’t activate the plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello!I wanted to install the plugin but I throw the w…

  • Created a topic, Cloning error, on the site Forums:
    I am trying to clone one of my sites, when I do it it …

  • Posted a reply to Error when activating the plugin, on the site Forums:
    Now yes, by installing version it was possible to install it without any problem.…

  • Posted a reply to Error when activating the plugin, on the site Forums:
    Sorry.. the same error Im using WordPress 6.4.1 if it can be of help to…

  • Posted a reply to Error when activating the plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello!I have deleted and reinstalled as you told me but I get the same error…

  • Created a topic, Error when activating the plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have downloaded the plugin and when I activate i…

  • Posted a reply to Menu hierarchies, on the site Forums:
    Hi! I'm sorry but I can't get it. In appearance I have already configured my…

  • Created a topic, Menu hierarchies, on the site Forums:
    Hello I wanted to know if there is a way to display th…

  • Posted a reply to Problema con el numero de telefono al crear la etiqueta de seur, on the site Forums:
    No hay error, es la nueva actualización

  • Created a topic, Problema con el numero de telefono al crear la etiqueta de seur, on the site Forums:
    Hola buenos días, Desde la última actualización de…

  • Created a topic, El mejor Pluguin de Carrusel de Reseñas, on the site Forums:
    Estoy super encantada con este plugin siempre me las e…

  • Created a topic, serious problem with the cache., on the site Forums:
    I have a serious problem with the puguin cache.I have …

  • Posted a reply to Error de php con seur, on the site Forums:
    ¡Ha funcionado estupendamente y a la primera! Muchísimas gracias por la atención y la ayuda,…

  • Created a topic, Error de php con seur, on the site Forums:
    Tengo el pluguin de seur para woocommerce y al meter u…

  • Created a topic, Problema con el pago, on the site Forums:
    Hola, buenas Estamos intentando poner la TPV en entorn…