Elementor Editor Panel is Loading and Widgets Don’t Appear

Checking PHP Memory Limit & Maximum Execution Time

The issue of infinite loading of Elementor editor panel typically occurs due to a lack of PHP memory or time limit.

Actually, Premium Addons for Elementor and Premium Addons PRO extend your editor page with 60+ elements with their assets (CSS/JS) files. So, we strongly recommend disabling the elements you don’t use by navigating to your WP dashboard -> Premium Addons for Elementor -> Widgets & Addons tab.

You can check PHP Memory Limit & Maximum Execution Time by following the steps below:-

    • Navigate to your WP dashboard -> Premium Addons for Elementor -> System Info tab.
    • Scroll down to “PHP Configuration”, Premium Add-ons Free/PRO requires at least memory limit of `300Mb` and a time limit of `300`.
Elementor Loading Issue With Premium Addons
Minimum System Requirement

If you PHP configuration does not meet the minimal required values, then you can follow the steps below in order to increase your memory/time limit.

Increase PHP Memory Limit & Maximum Execution Time:-

  • Using a cPanel access credentials or an FTP account, open your WordPress installation root directory -> edit ‘wp-config.php’ file.
  • Add this line to the file in order to increase `Time Limit` to `300`:


  • Add this to the top, before the line that says, “Happy publishing”:


  • Save changes to your file, check again your PHP configuration to make sure that PHP configuration has been updated, try again to run the editor page.

If you are not feeling comfortable in trying the above methods, or the above did not work for you, you need to talk to your hosting about having them increase your memory limit.

Improve editor load and update speed:-

The more Elementor 3rd party plugins installed on your website the more assets will be loaded into your editor page and the more time it takes to load all those assets. So, we strongly recommend to:
    • Deactivate any Elementor plugins that you don’t usually use on your website.
    • Disable Premium widgets that you don’t use from your dashboard -> Premium Addons for Elementor -> Widgets & Addons tab.
    • Recently, we’ve added a new option to Disable Unused Widgets which automatically detects the unused widgets in Premium Addons for Elementor and Premium Addons Pro and deactivates them. You can find this button on WP Dashboard > Premium Addons for ElementorWidgets & Addons tab

Disable Unused Widgets in Premium Addons Dashboard
Disable Unused Widgets in Premium Addons Dashboard

Related Docs:

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