How to Use PA Duplicator to Clone Any Elementor Page/Post

Today, we will talk about one of the Elementor Premium Add-ons feature, the PA Duplicator feature. One of the most important features to save time and effort. By just one click, you can duplicate any Elementor page, post, template, or even custom post type.


  • You will need Premium Addons PRO plugin installed and activated on your website.
  • Also, make sure that this addon is enabled so you can find it in the Elementor editor. Check this article to know how to do that.
  • Premium Addons works only with Elementor Page Builder plugin so you will need to have it installed and activated as well.

Please navigate to WP Dashboard -> Premium Addons for Elementor tab -> Features -> switch on Duplicator feature.

Elementor Post Duplicator Option In Premium Addons
Enable Premium Duplicator Feature in Premium Addons for Elementor settings

Now everything is settled to use this awesome feature.

Navigate to any Elementor post and just click PA Duplicator button. A new Elementor post will be cloned as a draft.

Duplicate WordPress Posts For Elementor
Duplicating Elementor Page by PA Duplicator

Now you have your page duplicated as a draft and ready to use.

If you still need any further assistance, feel free to contact Premium Addons support team. We would be more than glad to help 😁

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