PowerFTP - an app to manage the content on your FTP, FTPS and SFTP(SSH) servers

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Check out what you can do with this app!

Manage multiple servers from anywhere

Device (local) and remote file explorer

Multi folders/files selection for upload, download and delete(recursively)

Optional split screen mode. Browse files locally and remotely at the same time

Auto folder synchronization (remotely/locally) in user defined time intervals

Send shell commands in SFTP(SSH) mode via built-in console

Save sync reports in txt files

Back button support


Rename, create or delete files and folders

List files and folders sorted by name, size, type or date

Open, edit and save files from your device or from the remote location using the built-in editor

Copy directory pathes with a single tap

Sleep lock option while syncing to prevent device sleeping

Displays symbolic links

Edit permissions

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