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Panda's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
219 votes

Why are so many Americans against Obamacare?

125 votes

Why does the US President use a new pen for each order?

110 votes

If Russia hacked the 2016 election, how or why can we proceed with inaugurating Trump?

76 votes

What are Trump's incentives for withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement?

76 votes

Has there ever been an independence movement with the goal to split off an underperforming part of a nation?

74 votes

Why do the Taliban not try to conquer the Kabul Airport?

72 votes

What reasons may Donald Trump have had for firing FBI Director James Comey?

67 votes

Are Non-Muslims from the banned countries allowed into the US?

57 votes

Who must be present at the Presidential Inauguration?

56 votes

Seal in the "Office of the Former President"

52 votes

What's the difference between a 51 seat majority and a 50 seat + VP "majority"?

51 votes

What specifically did Michael Flynn do wrong?

49 votes

What are the differences between Trump's old travel ban and the new one?

49 votes

How did Theresa May remain PM after her Brexit deal was rejected?

47 votes

In which timezone's "noon" does the US presidency turn over?

47 votes

Can a president win the electoral college and lose the popular vote?

45 votes

Why is Beto O'Rourke still a US Representative despite not running for re-election to the House?

43 votes

What is currently stopping the most developed states from completely abandoning cash?

43 votes

On what basis is Theresa May triggering Article 50 (Brexit) if the Supreme Court said she couldn't?

42 votes

Could Snowden (in theory) be pardoned by the US president?

42 votes

Why would the Senate Majority Leader vote against their own cloture motion to stop a filibuster?

41 votes

Who pays for President Trump's impeachment defence?

41 votes

How does Donald Trump Jr. benefit from releasing the e-mails he released?

40 votes

Why is Greece's debt considered a problem but not US debt, which is much larger?

40 votes

Has a state official ever been impeached twice?

38 votes

If someone sends in an early vote, but then dies, is their vote counted?

36 votes

How did Trump's January 6 speech call for insurrection and violence?

34 votes

UN condemns Rohingya human rights abuses 134-9 with 28 abstentions. Which countries voted against?

34 votes

How does a shutdown end if an agreement is never reached?

33 votes

Has Trump publicly stated during what period he believed the USA to be great?

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