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The collection of binding customs or rules of a community prescribed, formally recognized or enforced by a community or controlling authority. When you use this tag, please consider if your question might be more appropriate on

8 votes

What is the point of only conducting criminal trials once the accused has been apprehended?

Mary has been killed and her husband Vladimir has fled to Belarus (Vlad is a dual national). A warrant is issued for his arrest. If Vladimir comes to the USA he will be detained on entry and go straig …
James K's user avatar
  • 123k
4 votes

Can EU countries mandate vaccinations?

So following EU law the answer is "Yes". Following the decisions of the ECHR the answer is a qualified "...yes, but". …
James K's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there special cities or states with a special law that allows experimenting?

No. Laws and countries can't work like that because people can't work like that. People are tied to their communities, their families, their jobs, their linguistic group. You can't just declare "Ok …
James K's user avatar
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2 votes

Do any states or countries punish people less for distracted/drunk driving accidents compare...

As far as I can tell (having checked) no countries have implemented this or a similar policy. The closest I can see is various policies on drunk driving, which are intended to punish more harshly tho …
James K's user avatar
  • 123k
8 votes

What does “state of exception” mean?

is the state that Germany entered into in 1933 with the fire at the Reichstag, which provoked the President of Germany (Hindenberg) to issue a decree that restricted individual rights and the rule of law … It differs from martial law, or a state of emergency in that the military doesn't take control, nor is the country in a state of war. …
James K's user avatar
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12 votes

If the justifications for informed consent are questionable, then why would it be a legal re...

But I am allowed by law to lie disrespectfully to them. So "It is a natural right" is not enough to justify a law. We can find other reasons for informed consent. … These reasons may justify the law without having to discuss "natural rights". …
James K's user avatar
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16 votes

Is it normal or required for POTUS to attended SCOTUS swearing in ceremonies?

It's entirely normal and proper. It isn't required but the oath is often taken at the White House, so if the President is in Washington they would normally attend. If they are not in Washington they …
James K's user avatar
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11 votes

Can a country be held responsible for a crime committed by a private company?

In international law (which as I emphasise is just a collection of agreements between sovereign states and not like a system of law in the usual sense). …
James K's user avatar
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4 votes

How do countries vote when appointing a judge to the European Court of Justice?

Your quote answers the question. There is no "voting". The decision is by unanimity. There is an understanding (common in Europe) that the judges be non-partisan. The nature of European legal systems …
James K's user avatar
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133 votes

You have the right to remain silent, but why?

As with many such rights, you should look to pre-modern Europe to understand the context in which such rights were introduced. At that time, without forensic evidence, the best chance of a conviction …
James K's user avatar
  • 123k
0 votes

What arguments have modern societies used to support the introduction, re-introduction or ma...

Killing people who break the law is as old as law itself. Different justifications are made, but they tend to boil down to certain beliefs. People who break the law cause suffering. …
James K's user avatar
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4 votes

What services are the U.S. Embassies required to provide for U.S. citizens abroad?

Looking for "embassy" in the US Code returns some requirements: US Code Title 50 section 453: Embassies must allow every male US Citizen not residing in the USA to register for military service. US Co …
James K's user avatar
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3 votes

Countries with Fat Tax on people

There are none. Indeed the article rather misrepresents how the system in Japan works - its a public health initiative that provides tax incentives and penalties to companies and local governments, th …
James K's user avatar
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1 vote

Would alleged 3 weeks of talks between Biden and Iran violate Logan act?

. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. …
8 votes

When precisely do federal laws take effect in the United States?

Many laws contain a clause which describes how they take effect. There might be some trigger or they might come into effect at a particular time, as described in the bill. It is possible that they c …
James K's user avatar
  • 123k

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