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11 votes
3 answers

Did Biden win every state (that he won) by more votes than Clinton?

I saw a tweet saying that every state that Biden won, there was a larger difference in people voting for Biden and Trump than Clinton and Trump. It said this held true even in the three states that ...
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7 votes
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Where did the Clinton presidential campaign overemphasise and neglect in 2016?

I’ve heard claims that the Clinton campaign neglected either the Midwest or the “Rust Belt” in 2016, allowing Trump to win the presidential race even though Clinton won the plurality of votes. ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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49 votes
5 answers

Did Hillary Clinton actually lose because supporters thought she would win in a landslide?

I have seen numerous people say that Clinton lost because the polls convinced many of her supporters to not bother voting since she was guaranteed to win anyways. The argument is that in many ...
Ryan_L's user avatar
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Was Trump such an underdog 4 years ago according to polls?

I keep reading that almost every single poll known to man shows that Biden is leading Trump. The only exceptions are polls from a few Republican states (like Kansas) where Trump easily won in 2016 but ...
fdkgfosfskjdlsjdlkfsf's user avatar
11 votes
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Why are Democrats favoring unusually old presidential candidates lately?

The 2020 DNC primaries came down to Biden and Sanders, who would be taking office at 78 and 79. In 2016, it was down to Clinton and Sanders, at 69 and 75. Prior to that, the oldest president in the ...
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13 votes
2 answers

Did Hillary Clinton win the popular vote by 2.09 or 2.22 percentage points?

I read in two sources that the 2016 popular vote was Democratic by 2.09 percentage points (48.18% Clinton, 46.09% Trump). I also read it was by 2.22 percentage points (51.11% Clinton, 48.89% Trump). I ...
Number File's user avatar
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8 votes
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Counties where Trump or Clinton got >85% of the vote?

I am curious about counties in America where either major candidate in 2016 (Clinton and Trump) got over 85% of the vote. I am interested in this because I want to find attributes that most or all of ...
Number File's user avatar
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9 votes
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Precincts where Trump got <1% of the vote in 2016?

I read an article about Trump's historically bad performance in the capitol city of the US. I saw that there were at least two precincts where he did EXTREMELY badly. There were two precincts that I ...
Number File's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

Why did people still chant "Lock her up" at Trump rallies in 2019?

When elected, Trump made a big point that his opponent should be investigated and "locked up" over the email controversy. Almost immediately after winning the election, he made tacitly clear he was ...
Stilez's user avatar
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How did individual Democratic Super-delegates vote at the roll call convention?

How did individual super-delegates wind up voting at the nomination convention? Note: I don't think this question is trivial. It's fairly easy to find who they publicly endorsed, but not every ...
Everyone_Else's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is the Clinton Global Initiative being closed?

I noticed this article recently, which seems to tie the closure of the Clinton Global Initiative to Hillary Clinton's loss in the election. However, the closure was actually announced back in ...
John Wu's user avatar
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What info in the hacked DNC/Clinton emails was likely to sway the US general election?

Leaving aside the controversy of who/how, one thing that puzzles me about people discussing the hacked e-mails provided to Wikileaks is "why would that matter as far as general elections at all"? ...
user4012's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why has Trump completed erased Clinton's lead in Ohio?

Recently, after Clinton's debate bounce, she has overtaken or increased her lead in various swing states, such as Florida, Nevada and North Carolina. However, it seems like Trump continues to lead in ...
Panda's user avatar
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