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Questions tagged [military]

Questions related to the military. This may include questions about the actions or inaction of the military, the armed forces themselves or government action related to the military.

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1 answer

Chain of command on Inauguration Day

Picture the scene: It's the morning of January 20, 2017. The inauguration ceremony is in full swing, with songs and speeches the warm up act before the main event - the swearing in of Donald J. Trump ...
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1 answer

Can the USA president use military force against his/her own citizens without approval?

Can the USA president use military force against his/her own citizens without approval?
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Is the military used for disaster control and public order, if not, why?

Considering the United States have the biggest military in the world, it would be a prime example to talk about it in this question. It's my understanding that a standing army doesn't have any real ...
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3 answers

Is there a limit to the power a US president has over the military?

Is there a limit besides an actual deceleration of war? This Syrian conflict I think showed too much military power being given to the US president. This whole conflict appears to violate ...
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What's does the US hope to gain in Syria..? [duplicate]

I know why Russia is there; to support Assad (alley of Russia) but what can the US gain from this? They are arming rebels (as if that ever worked) most likely ISIS in Syria to fight Assad and are also ...
5 votes
1 answer

What does it mean when the US military "fires" a commander?

What does "firing" mean when the US military "fires" a commander? Is it different than being "relieved of duty"? (E.g., it was reported today in the NY Post that in the aftermath of the incident ...
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Why is Russia going to withdraw from Syria?

According to this news article, President Putin says that Russia will start withdrawing from Syria, after a relatively brief presence in the area. Why does he choose to withdraw at this moment, and ...
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1 answer

What are the military equivalent of the US marines in the Middle Eastern Countries?

Someone recently asked me a subjective "who would win in a battle between..." question and I have to admit I don't know much about specific Middle Eastern military structures, other than IS. What are ...
9 votes
4 answers

Did Turkey take revenge of Russian attacks on ISIS by downing the plane? [closed]

Is it possible that Turkey downed the Russian jet because they did not want Russia to be attacking ISIS (and maybe the Syrian Rebels)? It is quite clear that Turkey is the one who buys Oil from ISIS ...
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0 answers

Is a professional army more likely to act against its own people than a conscript army?

Is there data about how the mode of a states army affects the probability that it is employed against its own people? I mean is it more liklier that the army is used to supress the own people or a ...
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2 answers

Is Terrorism defined by its purpose or its effect?

Britannica said this: Terrorism, the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population And I got this from wikipedia: In its broadest sense, terrorism is any act ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why wasn't there a gunship in the air during the Bergdahl trade? [closed]

I hope I don't come off as crazy here, and I wasn't sure if this is the right forum to ask this, but I have a question regarding the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange. In the video captured by the ...
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1 answer

What will Egypt use its Rafale fighter aircraft for?

Egypt has just bought 24 Rafale fighter planes. What kind of threats can these top-notch weapon help Egypt with? (in particular, threats that less sophisticated weapons would not have been able to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Maintaining international stability while reducing US military influence

The US military is currently maintaining a status quo around the world, including preventing military aggression against smaller democratic nations and keeping shipping and international trade open ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does any US defense whitepaper or public policy document espouse boosting the UK's force projection or military power?

Having a regional ally with a powerful and active military may ease pressure on the US military and foreign policy objects. Does any US defense whitepaper, public policy document or party platform ...

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