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Why does the ECB hold a large foreign currency reserve? In addition to capital subscriptions, the NCBs of the member states participating in the euro area provided the ECB with ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line?

Example/ background: The EU is currently discussing whether there should be a strict law against the sale of cars with a combustion engine starting in 2035. Volker Wissing (of the FDP party) is the ...
quarague's user avatar
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Is membership in the European Parliament incompatible with membership in German district councils?

Inspired by another question: According to European Parliament legislative resolution of 3 May 2022, Article 24.1: The office of Member of the European Parliament shall be incompatible with the ...
xyldke's user avatar
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9 answers

What are the benefits for strong economies like Germany and France for being members of the European Union?

Recently I was reading things on the European debt crisis. It seems to me that when there is a financial crisis, strong economies in EU, like Germany and France, are supposed to help the countries in ...
No One's user avatar
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How does the Polish court's rejection of EU law supremacy differ from Germany's seemingly similar action?

I'm not sure if this a 100% correct summary of what happened in Germany last year, but: While the German Federal Constitutional Court has long reserved the power to reject EU actions that manifestly ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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How high is the EU-ETS cap for Germany in 2021?

I'm not sure if I got the EU-ETS system for trading emission rights right. I think there is a limited amount of certificates issues by each country each year. The amount that is allowed to be issued ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Were there any intra-EU concerns expressed that Germany was practicing dumping prices on aluminium sheets?

Reuters reports on the new anti-dumping duties imposed by the Biden administration on aluminium sheets (worldwide): The U.S. Commerce Department on Tuesday issued final anti-dumping duties on common ...
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Does Germany's Union have a significant Eurosceptic faction?

Do the CDU and CSU have a significant Eurosceptic faction (either hard or soft) which is represented at either grassroots or parliamentary level? Or is support for the European project so deeply ...
Statsanalyst's user avatar
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Why has Germany not seen as many Islamist terror attacks as France, Italy or the UK?

The German intelligence agencies often complain, that they are ill-equipped to deal with terror attacks efficiently because they lack the legal authority to use certain surveillance methods. For ...
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16 votes
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What conditions has Germany (or the EU as a whole) attached to the ESM loan offer that Italy is refusing?

It's been asserted in a couple of answers to another question that Germany (or the EU) has attached serious reform conditions to the ESM loans that Italy is refusing. What conditions were these? (...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
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Is the cap on rental prices in Berlin lower than the average price in some Eastern Europe capitals? If so, what justifies this level?

I could be wrong about this, but it seems to me that the 9.8 euros/sq.m. that appears to be recently imposed cap on rentals in Berlin is lower than the average rental price for housing in Prague 13 ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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How can we apply the Bundestag election model to European elections? (model building)

I have looked into electoral systems and am trying to build a model of what the 2019 EU election would have looked like if it had used the Bundestag election system. Disclaimer: I am fully aware ...
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Did German Reunification influence EU strategy?

I have been reading about German Reunification, and would like to know if this was used as a positive example, to justify further EU expansion and integration? After the fall of the Berlin Wall, ...
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What's Hans-Olaf Henkel's position on the EU?

In a speech that was vociferously interrupted, MEP Hans-Olaf Henkel accused Juncker of being the "[Commission] president who lost Britain" and said that Junker's pinning of the blame on Cameron was "...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
14 votes
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Why is Germany not in the New Hanseatic League?

The Bad Weather Coalition, more formally known as the New Hanseatic League, is a group of EU member states Ireland, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, which are all “...
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